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6.4.  In the early 1800s, Americans unified to face Great Britain in war once again and to battle resistance from Native Americans over attempts to seize.

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1 6.4

2  In the early 1800s, Americans unified to face Great Britain in war once again and to battle resistance from Native Americans over attempts to seize their lands.

3  1. Shipping rights  Britain continued to attack US ships.  The British practiced impressment ( kidnapping American sailors and forcing them to serve GB)  To avoid war, Jefferson passes the Embargo Act.  This law stopped all US trade with foreign nations.  The economy of the US suffered badly.

4  2. Indian Attacks  The British encouraged American Indians to attack Americans in the Northwest.  The Indian leader is Tecumseh.

5  3. War Hawks  A group of congressmen from western states that were eager for war.  War Hawks wanted to invade and take over British Canada.

6  Battles were fought in Canada, Northwest, Louisiana, and at sea.  Future president William Harrison defeats Tecumseh at the Battle of Thames in Canada.  Indians leave British alliance.

7  Future president Andrew Jackson also wins several battles in the south.  1815- War is over, but Jackson wins largest battle of the war in New Orleans

8  Peace came in 1814  Treaty of Ghent ended war  No land exchanged  British agreed to stop impressment of sailors.

9  1814: Federalists from New England colonies meet.  Unhappy with Democratic- Republican rule.  Discussed secession ( leaving) the US.  Largely forgotten after Treaty of Ghent

10 CAUSESEFFECTS  Impressment  Shipping rights  Indian attacks  Desire for Canada  Europe gains respect for US  National pride  US manufacturing increases (industrial revolution begins)

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