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Independent study. WHY? Inquiry-based lab design encourages independent thought. Has been shown to increase learning and information retention. Working.

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Presentation on theme: "Independent study. WHY? Inquiry-based lab design encourages independent thought. Has been shown to increase learning and information retention. Working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent study

2 WHY? Inquiry-based lab design encourages independent thought. Has been shown to increase learning and information retention. Working in groups of 3.

3 Timeline (4 weeks) Before October 17-18: Conduct a literature review. October 17-18: Come in for consultations. October 24-November 8: Develop and carry out a 3- week experiment. In class (Nov. 22-29): Present your results orally Write a paper on your experiment (due Nov. 14-15). You should be working on this over the next few weeks...No extensions will be given.

4 Literature review Read peer reviewed papers Is there a gap in knowledge? What is unknown? OR, what is debatable?

5 Project development Consultations Research question and hypotheses – Hypothesis: a statement predicting the outcome of your study. Methods developed to answer your question

6 Variables Dependent variable: what you measure Independent variable: what you control Extraneous variable: something that may influence your results/dependent variable – E.g. lighting, time of day, health status, etc…

7 Data collection Instantaneous/Scan sampling (e.g. fish lab) Focal animal sampling (e.g. Waterfowl park lab) Behavioural scoring (e.g. Flour beetle lab) Create data sheets!

8 Your experiments! What are your options?

9 Critters Pillbugs Snails Flour beetles Hermit crabs Crickets Others? Ants? Isopods? Fish (limited)

10 What else is available? Think about what you have used in lab – Plexiglass plates/chambers, lamps, tanks, heaters, critters… Get creative! Is there anything (within our means) that you would like purchased?

11 Possible avenues of study Trail following Light preference Food preference Mating behaviour Aggressive behaviour Moisture/humidity preference Temperature preference Pheromone detection You have a lot of flexibility when it comes to experiment choice! Think outside the box!

12 Consultations Sign up for a consultation time using Doodle. An email will circulate with the Doodle link within the next few days. Sign up for a time slot during your regular lab period.

13 Presentations Done in class Nov. 22-29, 15 min (12 min pres, 3 min questions) The presentation should consist of the following: – your purpose – research question/hypothesis – methodology – results and implications of your work – future avenues…

14 This sounds like it might be a lot of work… This project is worth 20% of your grade…

15 Your thoughts? Questions?

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