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Historical Origins of Social Psychology Wilhelm Wundt William McDougall Floyd Allport mid 1800’s 1908 1924.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Origins of Social Psychology Wilhelm Wundt William McDougall Floyd Allport mid 1800’s 1908 1924."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Origins of Social Psychology Wilhelm Wundt William McDougall Floyd Allport mid 1800’s 1908 1924

2 “Völkerpsychologie” Translation: ‘folk psychology’ or ‘culture psychology’ Precursor of modern Social Psychology Studied the ‘collective’ or ‘group mind’ Influence of society or group on an individual’s behaviour is difficult to investigate because the workings of the inner mind is beyond the scope of experiments. Culture is intangible (‘spiritual’) requiring a non- experimental and more philosophical approach. Wilhelm Wundt

3 William McDougall Studied Eugenics and Heredity Individuals are motivated by inherited instincts that push them toward goals which may be unknown to them or they do not understand. Social behaviour is innate and stems from instincts. Beliefs, attitudes and thoughts were institutionalized, eventually becoming part of individuals in a group. Group Mind Group Mind – what was common dispositions to a group of people

4 Floyd Allport Published a textbook in 1924 ‘Social Psychology’ attacking McDougall’s view. Argued that group behaviour can be studied using experimental methods Behaviourist approach – Social behaviour is derived from the behaviour and actions of others.

5 Floyd Allport Introduced social psychology ideas such as ‘social conformity’, facial expression of emotions and the influence of an audience on individual behaviour. Brought about advances in theoretical development such as the study of social norms, cognitive dissonance, attribution theory Father of Experimental Social Psychology

6 Modern Definition of Social Psychology Study of the nature and cause of individual behaviour in social situations. Group Individual Behaviour (OTHERS)(SELF) INFLUENTIAL FACTORS (SOCIETY)

7 EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Lab experiments Strengths – ability to isolate and control variables – allow evaluation of cause and effect – test theories about social behaviour Weakness – artificial conditions, findings cannot be generalised. Natural/Field experiments Strength – more authentic settings (+ strengths of Lab experiments given above) Weakness – more extraneous variables Other Methods of Gathering Data : Observations of Behaviour, Case Studies, Surveys, use of archival data

8 Theories of Social Psychology – 5 Categories Behaviour of Others Cognitive Processes Ecological Variables Cultural and Biological Processes Personality p 443-444, F&G Textbook

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