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Unit 7 What does he look like? (Section A 1a-3) Chen Dianxiang Zhengji Middle School 2012.3.22.

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2 Unit 7 What does he look like? (Section A 1a-3) Chen Dianxiang Zhengji Middle School 2012.3.22

3 2012.1.6 南京市发生银行抢劫案 凶手抢劫杀人后 逃离现场 …… 公安人员迅速展 开调查并确定主 要犯罪嫌疑人。

4 他长什么样子?

5 height He is of medium height.He is short.He is tall.

6 build He is heavy. He is of medium build. He is thin.

7 hair He has long hair. He has short hair. She has curly hair. She has straight hair.

8 New Words Build thin of medium build heavy Height tall of medium height short Hair long hair curly hair short hair straight hair

9 curly hair What does she look like? She is ______________ She has ____________. tall and thin

10 A :What does she look like? has long hair. B:She has long hair. She is short. She is thin.

11 A: What do you look like? B: I am... I have… Ask and answer like this! short of medium height tall thin of medium build heavy long hair short hair straight hair curly hair

12 f a a d h e b g e tall curly hair g

13 Look at Lily’s new friend. What does she look like ? long hair big eyes short a red dress white shoes

14 Describe Lily’s new friend. A: Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five? B: What does she look like? A: She has ___________ and ____________. B: Is she tall? A: No, she’s ________ B: I think I know her. She always wears a red ____________ and _______ shoes. A: Yes, that’s her. Her name is Nancy. short long hair big eyes white dress/skirt

15 1. 2a Listen and circle “is” or “has”. 1. is / has tall. 2. is / has heavy. 3. is / has curly hair. 4. is / has of medium height 5. is / has thin. 6. is / has long hair. 7. is / has short. 8. is / has of medium build. 9. is / has short hair. David Pete Sally

16 is has David Sally Pete 2b Listen and fill in the chart. tall curly hair heavy of medium height long hair thin short of medium build short hair Say something about these people like this : David is ….. He has …….

17 short hair long hair straight hair curly hair black hair tall short thin heavy of medium height Of medium build have, has + is, am, are+ 描述人的长相用动词 be 还是

18 What have you learned this class ? Sentences What do you look like? I am... I have... What does he/she look like? He/She is... He/She has... Words height tall of medium height short build thin of medium build heavy hair long hair curly hair short hair straight hair Summary

19 Fill in the blanks with “is”or “has”( 用 is 或 has 填空 ) 1.He is tall and he( )heavy. 2. She ( ) curly hair. 3. He ( )of medium height,and she ( ) long hair. 4. Tom ( )short,but his father ( )very tall and thin. 5. ——What does David look like? ——He ( ) heavy and he ( )short straight hair. is has is has is

20 Do you think good-looking is the most important ( 好的长相是最重 要的 )? ----No !! Don’t judge people by their looks!( 不要以 貌取人 ) Everyone is special( 特别的 )!

21 Describe someone in the class. Ask your classmates to guess who you’re describing. (描述你的同班同学,其他学生猜是 谁?) Who is he/she?

22 Homework: Describe one of your good friends and write it down.

23 Thank you!

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