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Республика Таджикистан. The chief expert of Management of ground transport of the Ministry of transport of Republic of Tajikistan Ziyoev B.A. "Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Республика Таджикистан. The chief expert of Management of ground transport of the Ministry of transport of Republic of Tajikistan Ziyoev B.A. "Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Республика Таджикистан

2 The chief expert of Management of ground transport of the Ministry of transport of Republic of Tajikistan Ziyoev B.A. "Public transport and transport-related emissions in the Republic of Tajikistan" "Public transport and transport-related emissions in the Republic of Tajikistan" (September, 26-27th, 2013, of Almaty)

3 Automobile Park of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2012  Total in 2012. registered 382,198 units of cars. including:  329016 passenger cars,  36 345 trucks,  14187 units. Buses  2650 units. other types of vehicles.

4 Emissions and their relationship by type of road transport

5 The investment program to improve the impact of transport on the environment Activity Source finasirrovaniya Volume of financing million.$. Total 2010- 2014 2015- 2019 2020- 2025 Automobile transport By enterprises 26,010,311,04,7 Rail transport Funds of nterprises (50%) and borrowed unds (50) 0,720.080,280,36 Air transport Funds of nterprises (50%) and borrowed unds (50) 5,140,082,382,68 Car road Financing of the Government of RT 31,8610,4613,667,74

6 Low levels of environmental performance of the exploited in Dushanbe car park due to the following reasons :  1. The Overwhelming part of vehicles is certificated in conformity to requirements of Rules ECE the United Nations (№ 15-04, 83-02А and 49-01), operated in the Europe up to 1992 "oldest" (with the years more than 20 years), but rather significant part of park (about 10 %) at all did not pass ecological certification in modern understanding of this procedure.  2. Insufficiently qualitative maintenance service and repair of vehicles, shortage of the modern equipment and qualified personnel.  3. The bad road and complex climatic conditions leading accelerated deterioration of units and units of cars and increase of emissions.  4. In small amounts on the Tajik market cars with catalytic neutralizers of the fulfilled gases (a level of Euro-1 and above) act. However high ecological characteristics of these cars quickly enough worsen (or are lost) owing to absence of effective system of their control over operation

7 Measures to reduce emissions from road transport in the city of Dushanbe.  It is organized items of the control and adjustment of automobile engines on admissible toxicity and smokes.  2. The Enterprises of all patterns of ownership and to the private persons having motor transport: exclude operation of the cars mismatching normative structure of exhaust gases, according to requirement of standards  - Sealing adjusting screws fuel pumps of diesel engines and the screw "quality" of carburetors’ is provided.  3. To the enterprises, the organizations, the establishments which are not having devices of the control, conclude contracts with the specialized organizations on regular the control of the fulfilled gases of cars and adjustment of engines.  4. In summer period, especially in the large cities of Republic of Tajikistan, is spent target operation on decrease in toxicity of poisoning gases.  6. The control over quality of fuel at the gas station is carried out  7. Checkup of cars of private persons, the enterprises of all patterns of ownership is spent after ecological inspection, results which are reflected in the coupon of toxicity.

8  A low level of realization of prime measures on protection and rational use of water resources, prevention of degradation of ground resources, a biodiversity and pollution of atmospheric air;  Absence of system of industrial ecological monitoring;  An insufficient level of the organization protect forests and fields works, weak attention to especially protected natural territories and increase of a level of ecological knowledge.  Increase quantity of motor vehicles to inappropriate ecological requirements of EURO 4 Problems of ecological stability of an environment:

9  the Basic ways of prevention or reduction of negative influence of transport by environments are such as:  Constant perfection of a design of vehicles, engines to them in view of use not traditional kinds of energy;  Perfection of structure of parks of a rolling stock;  Primary development in cities малотоксичных types of transport (a high-speed tram, a trolley bus and city railways of the facilitated type);  Application of ecologically pure kinds топлив;  Expansion of use of city bus service;  Perfection of a transport lay-out of cities;  Optimization the organization of traffic;  The constant control of a technical condition of auto-mobile vehicles;  Use of modern ways and means at carrying out Maintenance and repair automatic telephone exchange;  Certification of auto-mobile vehicles. The main ways to prevent or reduce the negative impact of transport on the environment are:

10  We provide the measures connected with reduction of ecological policy in conformity with a social and economic situation which has developed in the country, optimization of functions and strengthening of potential of the bodies responsible for development and realization of ecological policy, and also strengthening of legislative base of ecological works, will be directed on carrying out institutional reforms and perfection of legislative base ».  Also the account of the means stipulated for ecological needs, including the investment projects connected with realization is adjusted.  Are measured to lower emissions of harmful substances in an atmosphere from stationary and mobile sources (motor transport, planes, a train, etc.) pollution on 4 %; Ecological stability

11 pass Shahristan


13 pass Anzob


15 Tunnel Cormagzak

16 Tunnel Ozodi

17 Tajikistan Душанбе Куляб Мургоб Кульма

18 Thanks for attention!

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