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Ancient Egyptian Geography Vocabulary Words : cataracts delta Menes pharaoh dynasty.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egyptian Geography Vocabulary Words : cataracts delta Menes pharaoh dynasty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egyptian Geography Vocabulary Words : cataracts delta Menes pharaoh dynasty

2 Create a Circle Map As We Go Egyptian Geography As we make our way through the Powerpoint, please add to this circle map ideas about Egyptian geography. Exhaust your knowledge. Don’t add the outer circle yet. We’ll do that later.

3 Geography and Ancient Egypt Egypt is located in Northeast Africa. It is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, Sudan, Libya, and Saudi Arabia. During ancient times, however, all of the land around the Nile was considered Egypt. 

4 The Gift of the Nile The Nile is the longest river in the world. The Nile runs about 4000 miles from south to north and empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Two-thirds of Egypt's farming takes place on the delta. A delta is a triangle- shaped area of land made of soil deposited by a river.

5 Floods of the Nile The Nile ’ s floods were easier to predict than flood in Mesopotamia. The year was split into 3 different seasons: 1.The Inundation 2.The Emergence 3.The Drought Inundation June – September

6 The Emergence From October to February the land would “emerge” and crops would be planted.

7 Drought During this part of the year, the crops would be harvested. Harvest would take place from February to June. The Nile made life possible in this part of the world.

8 Egypt’s Natural Borders Egyptians were protected from invading peoples by natural barriers. The Mediterranean Sea The Sahara Desert The Red Sea Cataracts, or harsh rapids, protected Egyptians from invaders.

9 Plants and Animals of the Nile and Ancient Egypt Papyrus Hippos Crocodiles Lilies

10 Also Found Around the Nile Cobras (a symbol of the pharaoh) Birds like geese, storks, ibis, pelicans, and ducks. Lions, jackals, and gazelles. Granite, limestone, and sandstone mines. Gold, copper, and silver mines.

11 Although Not Part of Egypt’s Geography Pharaoh is the title used for rulers of Egypt. A dynasty is a series of rulers from the same family. Menes is considered to be Egypt's first pharaoh. Menes unified upper and lower Egypt. The first dynasty lasted about 200 years.

12 Egyptian Geography Now you may add the outer circle to your map. Also, share at least five things about Egyptian geography that you learned today.

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