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Chapter 3: Reading, Thinking and Writing about Issues

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1 Chapter 3: Reading, Thinking and Writing about Issues
EN1420 Chapter 3: Reading, Thinking and Writing about Issues This PowerPoint can be used for an introduction of or a review of the main concepts in Chapter 3 of the text. Feel free to add your own talking points to the notes pages.

2 POP QUIZ What is a discourse community?
What makes an audience member hostile? Name one part of the rhetorical situation. What does constraints mean when we speak to an audience?

3 answers What is a discourse community?
A group with similar interest, lingo, workplace ect What makes an audience member hostile? A person that does not agree with you, actually angry about topic. Name one part of the rhetorical situation. TRACE What does constraints mean when we speak to an audience? The backgrounds we all carry with us when we listen to information and how we apply them.

4 Key Vocabulary Critical thinking-thinking about readings and applying true analysis. Extremist-views that are of a one-sided nature Objective-the end goal of the writer Claim-the point the writer is trying to get you to agree with. Annotate-how to take notes while you read=CT Plagiarism-How to avoid using someone else’s work as your own. Revision-Learning process of writing Perspective-where we write from. As these words are covered, bring them to students’ attention and ensure understanding of their definitions

5 Identify , Narrow and Test an Issue
Map to help narrow an issue: Example p. 70 Try it! Break at this slide to map an issue as an individual or whole class activity

6 Start with what you know
Write: Quickly Uncensored From the heart Everything you think of Can’t write? DRAW! This is a review of the prewriting technique of free-write with a focus on exploring arguable issues. The next slide is an opportunity to practice the technique. Be prepared with an issue to suggest as a focus. Some suggestions: What do you know about the legal drinking age of 21? What relationship is there between grades and attendance? What do you know about problems for returning veterans? What do you know about racial prejudice and civil rights? Is health care for citizens a right or a privilege?

7 Give it a try: Read p. 69 Ready? What relationship is there between grades and attendance? Start writing! Allow students to free-write for about five minutes before calling time. You may want tofollow the writing either with a pair and share or a whole-class discussion

8 Use Critical Thinking Prompts
Box 3.1 p. 72 3 groups, each group will focus on reading, thinking or writing Exercise A pg101 Each group will create a list then refine it as a bulleted list. Have the class apply these prompts to the issue they wrote about

9 Manage your time ? ? ? ? ? ? Review assignments
Divide work into manageable units Focus on finishing Limit research time This material is covered on pp of the text. ? ? ? ? ? ?

10 Practice effective reading skills
Survey Title Table of contents Intro Features Check out Box 3.2 p. 78 Try it out! It is good to try this technique out with the class using a newspaper or magazine

11 Question for discussion: What are the steps for surveying a web site?
Customizing these steps to web sources is an excellent way to apply this new knowledge Question for discussion: What are the steps for surveying a web site?

12 Practice effective reading skills
Skim Headings and subheadings Sidebars and graphics Intro and conclusion Key terms Activity- Read Essay 2 pages , answer questions in Ex B pg 102. These techniques can also be applied to a web page

13 HMK- Review textbook/notes formal quiz next time on units 1-3!!!!
Unit 3 Assignment 1:Summary Response (type/1pg/dble spc) Unit 3 Assignment 2: Exploratory Paper(type, 2 pg/dble spc) Answer worksheet 2 on page 111, staple answers to back of paper Page explains what goes into this paper, this gives lots of helpful suggestions! Review the 6 types of Arguments on pp , Define them in own words (1-2 sentence definition) type, turn in next time. Complete Unit 4 Readings Review textbook/notes formal quiz next time on units 1-3!!!!

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