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COLORS By Ali Farrokhi. What Is Color? Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them.

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Presentation on theme: "COLORS By Ali Farrokhi. What Is Color? Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLORS By Ali Farrokhi

2 What Is Color? Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them. To see color, you have to have light. When light shines on an object some colors bounce off the object and others are absorbed by it. Our eyes only see the colors that are bounced off or reflected.

3 Color And Light The sun’s rays contain all the colors of the rainbow mixed together. This mixture is known as white light. While artists consider black a color, scientists do not, because black is the absence of all color.

4 How Many Colors Do We Have? psychophysicists ( people who study human responses, like seeing color, to things in the world, like light ) have shown that we can see about 1000 levels of light-dark, 100 levels of red-green, and 100 levels of yellow-blue for a single viewing condition. This means that the total number of colors we can see is about 1000 x 100 x 100 = 10,000,000 (10 million). A computer displays about 16.8 million colors to create fullcolor pictures, really more than necessary for most situations.

5 Some facts About Colors Now we will check these items for some colors: Gobal Meaning of the color Global important meaning of each color Meaning of the color in different cultures …

6 Red: The meaning

7 Red: The global meaning Red is one of the top two favorite colors of all people. Red is the most popular color used on flags in the world. Approximately 77% of all flags include red. Red is the international color for stop. The history of languages reveals that red is the first color after black and white. (All languages have words for black and white. If a third hue exists, it is red.)

8 Red: Unique meaning in cultures Red is the color of good luck in Asia and is the most popular color in China. Most Japanese children draw the sun as a big red circle. Red is an auspicious color for marriage. Brides in India and Nepal wear red saris; in Japan, a red kimono symbolizes happiness and good luck.

9 Red: Effects on vision Red captures attention. It is one of the most visible colors, second only to yellow - which explains why it is used on fire engines and stop signs to trigger alertness.

10 Yellow: The meaning Yellow is the most luminous of all the colors of the spectrum. It’s the color that captures our attention more than any other color. yellow is the color of sunflowers and daffodils, egg yolks and lemons. the color of Sponge Bob, happy faces, and signs that alert us to danger or caution.

11 Yellow: global meaning In almost every culture yellow represents sunshine, happiness, and warmth. Yellow is the color most often associated with the deity in many religions (Hinduism and Ancient Egypt) Yellow is the color of traffic lights and signs indicating caution all over the world.

12 Yellow: Unique meaning in cultures In Japan, yellow often represents courage.. In Russia, a colloquial expression for an insane asylum used to be "yellow house." Bright “marigold” yellow may be associated with death in some areas of Mexico.

13 Yellow: Unique meaning in cultures A yellow patch was used to label Jews in the Middle Ages. European Jews were forced to wear yellow or yellow “Stars of David” during the Nazi era of prosecution.

14 Yellow:Effects on vision Yellow is the most visible color of the spectrum. The human eye processes yellow first. This explains why it is used for cautionary signs and emergency rescue vehicles. Peripheral vision is 2.5 times higher for yellow than for red.

15 Why Are School Buses Yellow? Yellow (and the yellow family of colors) gets your attention faster than any other color. People notice yellow objects first. Even when you are looking straight ahead, you can see a yellow object that is not in front of you "in the corners of your eyes" much sooner than any other color even red Yellow:

16 Green: The meaning Since the beginning of time, green has signified growth, rebirth, and fertility. In Muslim countries, it is a holy color. It was the color of the heavens in the Ming Dynasty.

17 Green: Unique Meanings In Japan, the words for blue and green ("ao") are the same. In Spain, racy jokes are "green.“ You won't find many green cars at racetracks because they are considered unlucky. Green is a lucky culture in most Western cultures. A green shamrock symbolizes this.

18 Green: Effects on vision Green exit signs have an important advantage when there is smoke in the air (in other words, when a fire is burning). With red exit signs, it looks like a fire. With a green sign, people know it isn't the fire itself but the way to safety.

19 Green: Effects on vision Green exit signs have an important advantage when there is smoke in the air (in other words, when a fire is burning). With red exit signs, it looks like a fire. With a green sign, people know it isn't the fire itself but the way to safety.

20 At last… Let’s see some COLORFUL pictures


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