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Social Innovation: From the Community to the Region and Beyond Karen Chapple University of California, Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Innovation: From the Community to the Region and Beyond Karen Chapple University of California, Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Innovation: From the Community to the Region and Beyond Karen Chapple University of California, Berkeley

2 Social Innovation Models of community development Scale and sustainability Towards a theory of social innovation Impact

3 Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, 1967

4 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program – 1984

5 Per Scholas, South Bronx 1995

6 Great Communities Collaborative, SF Bay Area, 2006

7 Lurín River Basin, Lima, Peru

8 Lurín River Basin, Lima, Peru

9 Price Charities

10 Winners build on existing institutions Microenterprise and Schedule C (CFED, Aspen) Energy Efficiency and MUSH (COWS) Anchor Institutions (Democracy Collaborative) Employment Social Enterprise (REDF)

11 Towards a theory of social innovation Social innovation: combine methods, ideas, or institutions in unique ways to create new solutions to social and economic problems Nonprofit governance literature Regional economic development literature – Variation/diversity – Networked, learning region – Role of venture capitalists – Space

12 Revisiting the models Bed-Stuy Restoration Corporation Philadelphia Mural Arts Program Per Scholas Great Communities Collaborative City Heights

13 Impact


15 If you don’t start the conversation, nothing will happen. - Per Scholas leader

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