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By Taylor Norman 4 th Grade April/May 2012. State Capitol : Albany State flower : Rose State tree : Sugar maple State bird : Bluebird State information.

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Presentation on theme: "By Taylor Norman 4 th Grade April/May 2012. State Capitol : Albany State flower : Rose State tree : Sugar maple State bird : Bluebird State information."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Taylor Norman 4 th Grade April/May 2012

2 State Capitol : Albany State flower : Rose State tree : Sugar maple State bird : Bluebird State information

3 New York became a state on July 26 1788. New York’s state flag

4 New York is made up of islands, canals,and bays. Its natural resources include corn,poultry,veggies and fruits. Some of the industry and farming include, veggies,fruits,and nuts What is New York like?

5 Theadore Roosevelt was the 26 th president of the USA He was born in New York. Michael Jordan is a famous basketball player born in New York. Famous People from New York

6 In 1776, New York became a state. In 1835 the Statue of Liberty was built. In 2001 the Twin Towers collapsed. The history of New York

7 New York’s climate: winters are cold and the summer temperature is in the 80s It has warm summers. And cold winters The climate in New York

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