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66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Cooperative Collection Development of Electronic Information Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Cooperative Collection Development of Electronic Information Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Cooperative Collection Development of Electronic Information Resources in Turkish University Libraries Yaşar Tonta Hacettepe University Department of Library Science 06532 Beytepe, Ankara

2 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Definition  Cooperation: “occurs when two or more libraries work together to provide more developed services to their respective users”  Objective: To provide better, faster and cheaper services and to benefit from economics of scale  Applications: Cooperative collection development and cataloging, providing cooperative information services (electronic document delivery/reference services), etc.

3 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Why Should We Cooperate? I  Information is a national asset  “Lifeblood of development”  Speedy access to relevant information is a prerequisite of national and international competition  Therefore, creation, provision, organization, access to and use of information should be approached as a national issue

4 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Why Should We Cooperate? II Cost of providing information services Price hikes Shrinking budgets New approaches Ownership=Access Access=Ownership?? New opportunities Provision of information services through networks Ease of cooperation and coordination

5 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Overview: Turkish University Libraries Some 70 public and private universities Limited Collections circa 5M monographs (total) One third have fewer than 500 current periodical titles Limited budgets circa 10M USD (1999, all public university libraries) Average 200K USD Expenditure per student varies Proportion to total university budget: 0.7% (min. 0.2%, max. 3.8%)

6 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Duplication of Expensive Serials I

7 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Duplication of Expensive Serials II

8 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Networked Information Sources Infrastructure Bundling of technology and content Cost of technology Cost of content Pricing networked information Shared use of networked information sources

9 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Networking Infrastructure of Turkish Universities Limited internal/external networking capabilities Turkish Universities and Research Institutions Network (TÜVAKA) was set up in 1986 Not based on Internet Protocol Few universities connected to TÜVAKA Had connections to BITNET and EARN Capacity was limited TR-NET set up to connect Turkey to the Internet Connection to NSFNET: 12 April 1993 Demand for connection proliferated

10 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. National Academic Network & Information Center (ULAKBIM) Set up in June 1996 Took over responsibilities of TÜVAKA, TR-NET and Higher Education Council Documentation Center Mission to set up a national academic network (ULAKNET) to provide electronic information services to all universities through the network

11 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Turkish National Academic Network (ULAKNET) Set up in 1997 Based on ATM technology with 34Mbps bandwidth capacity Universities connected to the backbone (Istanbul- Ankara-Izmir triangle) with 64Kbps-4Mbps speeds Access to NSFNET and TERENA Limited international port capacity (over 10Mbps excluding private lines; for academic use only)

12 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Networked Information Services for Universities ULAKBIM is also responsible To develop a “vision” of electronic library to satisfy information needs of academics To set up the organizational structure to implement this vision To come up with a financial model to maintain it ULAKNET: a testbed to share electronic information sources among university libraries

13 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Library Consortia Consortium: A corporate body with its own structure of governance acting on behalf of all its member libraries Objectives: Cooperative collection development, access to electronic information sources, document delivery, etc. Basic Functions: To share physical resources To provide access to the Internet To get access to networked information resources Examples: GALILEO, MORENet, JISC, ICOLC, etc.

14 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Initiatives to Set Up a Turkish Academic Library Consortium I ULAKBIM’s initiatives and first trials (IDEAL) Conference on “Cooperation in the Use of Electronic Information Resources” (14 November 1997, Ankara) Outcome: To provide networked information services to all university students and faculty through ULAKNET To set up a task force to study the technical, financial and organizational feasibility of establishing an academic library consortium

15 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Initiatives to Set Up a Turkish Academic Library Consortium II Initial costs: circa 10M USD Operational costs: 3M USD p.a. Draft Bye-Law of Consortium was discussed in the Advisory Board Meeting (1998) ULAKBIM’s VEDES (Hosting Databases and Electronic Journals) initiative (1999) (WoS, SP databases)

16 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. ANKOS: Anatolian University Libraries Consortium Set up in 1999 with no formal charter 13 members incl. ULAKBIM Some consortial agreements: AP’s IDEAL (ULAKBIM, Bilkent, Gazi, Hacettepe, METU) Ebsco’s Academic Search Elite & Business Source Premier (B, M, Dokuz Eylül, Koç, Sabancı) AMS’s Mathscinet (M, B, Bosphorus, Çukurova, H, ITU, S) ISI’s Web of Science

17 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Issues and Problems Culture of working together Commitment Mutual understanding Consensus building Patience Planning, organization, time management and administrative skills (“common intelligence”) Resources (human and monetary) Accountability

18 66 th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000 Y.T. Cooperative Collection Development of Electronic Information Resources in Turkish University Libraries Yaşar Tonta Hacettepe University Department of Library Science 06532 Beytepe, Ankara

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