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JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Impact of Electronic Plagiarism Detection Software The University of Aberdeen Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Impact of Electronic Plagiarism Detection Software The University of Aberdeen Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Impact of Electronic Plagiarism Detection Software The University of Aberdeen Experience

2 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Overview The University of Aberdeen Experience Patricia Spence, The Learning Technology Unit The Department of Engineerings Experience, Dr Robin Henderson

3 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Background Increasing opportunities to plagiarise Instances of electronic plagiarism Deterrent? 5 departments - Accountancy, Engineering, English, Philosophy and Zoology Range of topics and course levels Guidance already given to all students

4 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Student Agreement Staff training? Uploading work Instructions for students Using the Detection Software

5 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Very few instances detected Lack of understanding of referencing techniques Software works as deterrent Raised awareness of plagiarism Results

6 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Some dummy assessments undetected Concern about inability to detect plagiarism from online journals Easy to use All departments would use software again Other Issues

7 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Engineering Department Trial

8 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Objectives Ensure an even playing field for all students Increase awareness of plagiarism Increased use of hardcopy sources Increase awareness of the need for appropriate referencing Reduce time associated with checking on web

9 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Exercise details 1st year engineering students 120 participants 500-1000 word essay on a famous engineer 30 different engineers used as topics Wide range of students - background and ability

10 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Testing 3 bogus essays written with material cut and pasted from the web These were submitted to the software 2 essays detected Did not always direct to the original source

11 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Implementation 2 page handout prepared for the students describing how to submit Brief demonstration All students submitted their own work directly to the software Ad-Hoc help was available during existing computer classes

12 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Results 115 essays submitted Majority of cases were in the low percentage bands of internet content Most of those that showed some internet content usually indicated correct use of quotations 2 cases of plagiarism detected

13 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Time requirements Software was very easy to use Added time through use of software approximately 0.5 day This should be offset with reduction in time required for checking for plagiarism Overall estimate is as a time saving tool

14 JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot Conclusions Overall the software helped us meet all of our objectives Other assessments identified where the software would be beneficial If available we would use it again

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