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Community Research Assignment The Boys and Girls Club By Courtney Smith.

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1 Community Research Assignment The Boys and Girls Club By Courtney Smith

2 The students come first!

3 All students ages 6-18 are eligible to join the local Boys and Girls Club.

4 The Boys and Girls Club works with students from ages 6 to 18. Students of that age are eligible to join and access all the offered programs from sports to going and spending to at the club. There’s a bus at all District 7 Schools and Three Rivers School District schools in order to get students to the club. Power Hour- Making ever minute count Impacting the lives of young people- academic success, building character, not giving up on them.

5 There are 5 core areas the Grants Pass club focuses on. For their after school program as well as summer program they have activities that include: art, education, leadership, health and life skills, social and physical recreation. They focus their work in special events for deeper learning for the students such as field trips to museums, local pools, hikes and trips to the libraries. All these are for the students’ benefit and educational gain. The club is open to the students after school, in-service days and school breaks. In-service and school breaks are when a majority of the field trips take place. The students really enjoy going and spending time at the local Boys and Girls Club, as well as benefiting from it. The students are able to get tutoring with school work there also.

6 Students working at Grants Pass Boys and Girls Club during the after school program in the Tech lab.

7 Students learning in a classroom environment. The drop out rate is too high EVERYONE SHOULD BE CONSENRED! sis.aspx

8 The Boys and Girls Club promote a healthy life in many ways.

9 The Boys and Girls Club Mission~ To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

10 Alternative Learning Centers for middle school aged children in the Rogue Valley, smaller numbers allows the students to succeed where as in a larger classroom they might not have had that opportunity and might have been seen as a “problem student.” [The alternative middle school program offers basic school curriculum in math, reading, social studies, language arts, science, and P.E. while also offering quality time surfing the internet in the technology center, a climbing wall to develop life and leadership skills, field trips to broaden horizons, and full access to the after school teen program.]

11 Core Beliefs~ A safe place to learn and grow… Ongoing relationships with caring, adult professionals… Life-enhancing programs and character development experiences… Hope and opportunity. Students and staff working and playing together.

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