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Incremental But Consequential: HEA Amendments of 2004 Travis Reindl May 15, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Incremental But Consequential: HEA Amendments of 2004 Travis Reindl May 15, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incremental But Consequential: HEA Amendments of 2004 Travis Reindl May 15, 2003

2 An “Incremental” Reauthorization No “rallying point” for major change No driving political force (Almost) no room on policy agenda No money

3 BUT… Budget crises/tuition hikes have brought back affordability issues Student outcomes/success very much on policymakers’ minds (and gauging student learning is starting to register on the Hill) NCLB provides important—and potentially troubling—precedent Skepticism of accreditation is at an all-time high Higher education community is less unified than the last reauthorization

4 Some Issues Cost/price (College Affordability Act of 2003—McKeon) Institutional report cards (CCA) Transfer of credit (CCA/McKeon) Persistence/transfer/graduation rates

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