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No.3 Middle School Zeng shu ping. canoeing and white-water rafting.

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Presentation on theme: "No.3 Middle School Zeng shu ping. canoeing and white-water rafting."— Presentation transcript:

1 No.3 Middle School Zeng shu ping

2 canoeing and white-water rafting

3 hiking and climbing

4 doing water sports


6 A. canoeing and white-water rafting in Yunnan B. hiking and climbing in the Himalayas C. doing water sports on Hainan Island D. a safari in South Africa Which of these holidays would you like to go on?

7 Why do you enjoy it? Do you like attending Himalayan Adventure?

8 1. Who do you think writes the text? A. the hiker B. local government C. the organizer of adventure 2000 D. the guide near the Himalayas C Read the passage and choose the best answers.

9 2. Which of the following statements is true? A. If you attend a Class A hike, you can climb on the top of the Mount Qomolangma. B. You have to live in tents in Tibet.

10 C. Adventure 2000 is a traveling programme. D. Climbing the Mount Qomolangma is cold, so you’d better go there in July. C

11 3. The main purpose of the passage is ___. A. To make people know more about hiking. B. to tell people how to choose traveling programme.

12 C. to call on people to attend Adventure 2000. D. to tell people Himalayan Adventure is exciting and attractive. C.

13 para1 a) difficulty of hike para2 b) accommodation para3 c) extra offers para4 d) prices and dates para5 e) experiences of a hike para6 f) flight arrangements prar7 g) organization of hikes Read the brochure and match the paragraphs (1-7) with these topics.

14 1. Why do you think people would want to go on this trip? They are looking for new, exciting holiday experiences. Read the text again and answer these questions in your own words.

15 2. Why does the organisation use guides with a lot of experience? Because they know their way round the Himalayas very well and they know the best places to stay overnight.

16 3. Why do cooks and porters go with the hiking teams? To make the hike easier and let people enjoy it more. 4. Why does the company offer optional tours? Because some people may want to stay on longer and visit other places.

17 5. Why do people going on this trip need to be fit? Because it is a Class A hike with walks of up to eight hours a day.

18 Language points 1. as well as 同 …… 一样, 也是, 还有 As well as the group guide, all expeditions have cooks and porters. 所有的长途跋涉都配有厨师、搬运工 和向导。

19 The child is lively as well as healthy. 这个孩子既健康又活泼。 He knows German as well. 他也懂德文。 位于句末用 as well 2. fit v. ( 服装等 ) 合 …… 的身 The coat fits you well. 你穿这件上衣很合身。

20 adj. 健康的,健全的 He does exercises to keep fit every day. 为了健康他每天做锻炼。 adj. 合适的 be fit for He is fit for the job. 他适合做这个工作。

21 3. including 包括 The hike costs £ 2500 including all flights and accommodation. 旅行费用为 2500 英镑, 其中包括所有 机票和食宿。

22 Three members of the Everest Expedition were killed including a doctor. 三名珠穆朗玛峰探险队员遇难, 其中包括一 名医生。 Three members of the Everest Expedition were killed, a doctor included.

23 4. offer 提供 ( 东西或机会 ) The hotel offers excellent services for families. 本旅馆提供优良的家庭服务。 Josie had offered her services as a guide. 乔西曾表示愿意当向导。

24 offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb. 主动提出, 主动给予 They decided to offer the job to Jo. 他们决定把这份工作给乔。 offer to do sth. The kids offered to do the dishes. 孩子们主动要求洗盘子。

25 In English, verbs can be divided into two groups: Activity verbs describe activities and can be used in simple and continuous tenses. State verbs describe states and are not usually used in continuous tenses.

26 Verbs related to activities of the mind: admit, agree, believe, know, mean, prefer, realize, remember, think, understand, want Verbs related to emotions: adore, care, like, dislike, love, hate, hope

27 Having and being: appear, be, belong, contain, have, include, need, seem, possess, own Verbs related to senses: feel, hear, look, see, smell, sound, taste

28 Some state verbs can also refer to an activity. In this meaning they can be used in a continuous tense: We have a second-hand car. (have=possess, a state) She is having some tea. (have=drink, an activity) Some state verbs can also refer to an activity. In this meaning they can be used in a continuous tense: We have a second-hand car. (have=possess, a state) She is having some tea. (have=drink, an activity)

29 I think it’s a great idea. (think=believe, a state) I’m thinking about my exam. (think=consider, an activity) I feel I can’t go through with it. (feel=believe, a state) How are you feeling? (feel=experience, an activity) I think it’s a great idea. (think=believe, a state) I’m thinking about my exam. (think=consider, an activity) I feel I can’t go through with it. (feel=believe, a state) How are you feeling? (feel=experience, an activity)

30 The roses look and smell beautiful. The cloth feels soft. The idea sounds wonderful. The oranges taste delicious. The roses look and smell beautiful. The cloth feels soft. The idea sounds wonderful. The oranges taste delicious. Verbs related to senses are followed by adjectives, not adverbs:

31 Look at the blue verbs in the text. Can they be used in simple and continuous tenses or only in simple tenses? Copy and complete the table.

32 Only simple tenses Simple and continuous tenses realise carry understand know want mean believe like prefer need arrive watch talk feel prepare Can you add more verbs to each column?

33 Compare the verbs. Does the verb mean the same in both sentences? 1. a) All our guides have several years of experience in leading hiking trips in the Himalayas. (have = ) b) You are having a hot cup of tea. (have = ) own, a state drink, an activity

34 2. a) You are feeling tired. (feel = ) b) At Adventure 2000 we feel that we understand the needs of hikers. (feel = ) experience, an activity think or believe, a state

35 3. a) We also think that good travel arrangements are important. (think = ) b) You are thinking about how far there is to go. (think = ) believe, a state consider, an activity

36 Which of the sentences cannot be changed into the Present Continuous? a) The coffee tastes awful. b) We have breakfast very early. c) She thinks she is the best. d) They feel they need more time. e) I have a splitting headache. f) She thinks about her mother a lot. a) The coffee tastes awful. c) She thinks she is the best. d) They feel they need more time. e) I have a splitting headache.

37 have a shower, play football, think about, know, look awful, want, see the boss, look at, like, sound interesting, watch TV, believe, taste good Which of these expressions can be used in both the Present Continuous and Present Simple, and which only in the Present Simple?

38 In both the Present Continuous and Present Simple: have a shower, play football, think about, look awful, see the boss, look at, watch TV In the Present Simple : know, want, like, sound interesting, believe, taste good

39 Homework Finish Exercises 8&9 on P23.

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