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SIGCUE A Plan Presented to SIG Board Carl Steidley and Jim Hightower September 15, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "SIGCUE A Plan Presented to SIG Board Carl Steidley and Jim Hightower September 15, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIGCUE A Plan Presented to SIG Board Carl Steidley and Jim Hightower September 15, 2000

2 SIGCUE Mission  Provide a forum for the discussion and refinement of concepts, methods, and policies that relate to the central issues of instructional computing. emphasizing the development and evaluation of hardware, software, and systems that facilitate the educational process, including distance education. bringing together the viewpoints of diverse practitioners for their mutual benefit.

3 SIGCUE Opportunity  Offers practitioners and researchers the opportunity to share and integrate mutual interests in innovative applications, technology transfer, experimental uses of computing, & strategic research in the applications of computing to the educational process.  Promotes widespread cooperation among the spectrum of educational programs through interdisciplinary discussions and applications.

4 Recent ACM SIGCUE History and Near Future *- Current Officers Chair - Jim Hightower Vice Chair - Ruth Anne Ross Secretary/Treasurer - John Lawson

5 Recent ACM SIGCUE History and Near Future *- Candidates for Office (Next election) Past Chair - Jim Hightower Chair - Paula Stanziani - C. Bruce Myers Vice Chair - Mario Guimaraes - Patrick Michaud Secretary/Treasurer - William Denny - Colin Higgins

6 Recent ACM SIGCUE History and Near Future Proposed New Board Offices and Candidates Information Officer - Paolo Pumilia Mark Guzdial Membership Chair - Jan Carroll

7 Recent ACM SIGCUE History and Near Future * - New Editor of Outlook - Holly Patterson-McNeill * - Membership FY2000 (6/30/00) 445 We believe that we can increase the membership with a membership drive headed up by a newly elected Membership Chair. *- Publications (Ruth Anne and Paul Ross Co-Editors) SIGCUE Outlook Vol. 27 #1 January 1999.

8 Recent ACM SIGCUE History and Near Future *Budget Fund balance: $ 164,000 est (6/30/00) *Activities - Co-Sponsor of ITiCSE 2000 (SIGCUE founded ITiCSE with SIGCSE in Barcelona, Spain, June 1996) - Co-Sponsor of SAC ‘00 (Co-Sponsor since 1995) - Recent Co-Sponsor of NECC (1999 and before)

9 Those actively interested in seeing SIGCUE continue jhightower@Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU

10 Those actively interested in seeing SIGCUE continue

11 New Initiatives Develop subgroups within the SIG emphasizing recruitment of practitioners of computing in : grades K-12 a broad spectrum of disciplines in post-secondary education industrial education 4 issues of Outlook/year (currently sporadic) New Editor & Editorial Board - Enlarge innovative/interdisciplinary computing - Electronic Newsletter? ACM Advertising?

12 New Initiatives Membership Enhancement -SIGCUE Memberships as part of a conference registration ? -Encourage renewing memberships and new ones!! - Recruiting new membership chair - Membership directory Enlarging view of uses of computing application areas through more SIG interaction - reflected in new SAC tracks & Outlook articles

13 New Initiatives SIGCUE involvement in special projects: Possibility: As a service to public school teachers, create and maintain a database of experiences with computer uses, applications, and software for use in K-12 education. Database Administrator Antonio Cartelli

14 New Initiatives Currently Exploring Collaboration and Partnering with: International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)

15 International Events ITiCSE 2000 in Helsinki, Finland (June, 2000) ITiCSE 2001 in Great Britain (University of Kent at Canterbury)

16 Educational, Conference and Membership Activities Tracks at ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – SAC (yearly) Tracks at ACM ITiCSE (yearly) SIGCUE Yearly membership meeting (at SAC or ITiCSE) Membership flyers Awards Web Site:

17 Collaborative Efforts SAC Co-sponsors SIGCUE Sponsorship of other conferences desired and currently being explored SIGCUE Tracks need to be supported by a larger number of SIGs

18 Collaborative Efforts International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL) Mark Guzdial - Janet Kolodner - Barry Fishman -

19 Volunteer Recruitment SIGCUE Officers (5 currently 3) current officers Chair Jim Hightower Vice Chair Ruth Anne Ross Secretary/Treasurer John Lawson New SIGCUE Offices Information Officer Membership Officer

20 Volunteer Recruitment Recruiting new Outlook authors (have new editor) Recruiting new SIGCUE officers Recruiting Outlook editorial board Exploring involvement with ICLS and CSCL

21 Self-Assessment Outlook, SIGUE sponsored SAC, and ITiCSE tracks continue to provide opportunities to share & integrate mutual interests in applications of computing in education across a wide spectrum. Outlook and SIGCUE sponsored SAC and ITiCSE tracks continue to provide opportunity for information transfer among professionals in new computing applications Need to emphasize SIGCUE membership development “Note that lack of recent election returns possibly indicates a problem with processing and /or a lack of membership interest (researching)”

22 Concerns Recent SIGCUE Election returns very small due (we think) to very limited mailing (?) “anomaly” - at next SIGCUE meeting nominate new officer slate - promoting more election participation Increasing and maintaining membership & leadership SIG Boards view of SIGCUE as a viable special interest group

23 Conclusions SIGCUE is a “strong” special interest group with interdisciplinary appeal across a wide spectrum of ACM SIGCUE currently has an adequate financial foundation The Outlook and SIGCUE sponsored conference sessions provide a desired interdisciplinary technology transfer between ACM Professionals SIGCUE will continue to improve and develop as a contributing and viable special interest group to ACM

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