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CRCT Review 6 th Grade Social Studies. Latin America.

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Presentation on theme: "CRCT Review 6 th Grade Social Studies. Latin America."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRCT Review 6 th Grade Social Studies

2 Latin America

3 1. Where was the Aztec civilization located? Who was their leader?

4 2. Where was the Incan empire located? Who was their leader?

5 3. What was traded during the Columbian Exchange?

6 4. What did Hernan Cortes do?

7 5. What did Francisco Pizarro do?

8 6. What was the Triangular Trade? Who did the Europeans get to work on the sugar plantations and mines in Latin America after the natives died?

9 7. Who is Miguel Hidalgo? Country?

10 8. Who is Toussaint L’Ouverture? Country?

11 9. Who is Simon Bolivar? Countries?

12 10. Who is Fidel Castro and how did he change Cuban history?

13 11. What was the Cuban Embargo?

14 12. Who are the Zapatistas?

15 13. What is NAFTA and how does it affect Mexico, US, and Canada?

16 14. What is happening to the Amazon Rainforest?

17 15. What is the primary religion practiced and the primary language spoken in Latin America?

18 16. Which two countries had the greatest impact on the religion of Latin America?

19 Canada

20 17. What two European countries colonized Canada?

21 18. How did Canada become independent from Great Britain?

22 19. What does Quebec hope to preserve by becoming independent from the rest of Canada?

23 20. What are Canada’s two official languages?

24 21. Where does most of Canada’s population live?

25 22. Why are most of Canada’s factories located along the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes?

26 Europe

27 23. Who is Prince Henry the Navigator? What is he known for?

28 24. Name at least 3 countries that were originally colonized by Great Britain?

29 25. Which countries were involved in World War I?

30 26. The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I. What did the treaty force Germany to do?

31 27. How did World War I affect Germany’s economy?

32 28. What is Nazism?

33 29. Who were the Axis Powers in World War II?

34 30. Who were the Allied Powers in World War II?

35 31. What caused World War II to take place?

36 32. What was the Holocaust?

37 33. Who was Vladimir Lenin?

38 34. What was the Russian Revolution?

39 35. Who was Czar Nicholas II?

40 36. After World War II, which 2 nations engaged in the Cold War?

41 37. What happened to Berlin after World War II?

42 38. After the Soviet Union collapsed, what happened to East and West Germany?

43 39. What is the European Union?

44 40. What are the three major religions in Europe?

45 41. What are some causes of acid rain in Germany?

46 42. What happened at Chernobyl, Ukraine?

47 Australia

48 43. Who were the Aborigines? How did they pass their Dreamtime legends down through generations?

49 44. Why did the British originally colonize Australia?

50 45. Where do most Australians live? Why?

51 Government

52 46. What is an autocracy?

53 47. What is an oligarchy?

54 48. What is a democracy?

55 49. What is a unitary system of government?

56 50. What is a confederation?

57 51. What is a federal system?

58 52. How is the leader chosen in a parliamentary democracy?

59 53. How is the leader chosen in a presidential democracy?

60 54. Australia is considered to have a federal system, what does this mean?

61 55. Brazil and Mexico both have presidential democracies. How do they determine their leaders?

62 Economics

63 56. What are the different economic systems? Describe each.

64 57. In Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom, the government regulates some industries but most business decisions are made by individuals. What type of economy do these countries have?

65 58. What are the 3 economic questions that every country must answer?

66 59. What are the 3 economic trade barriers? Describe each.

67 60. Cuba has a command economy and Brazil has a mixed economy. How do these two economies differ?

68 61. What are the 4 factors of economic growth? Give an example of each.

69 62. What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

70 63. If a country does not have many natural resources, what will their GDP be like?

71 64. If countries want to trade internationally, what must they first do with their currency?

72 65. If a country has a high literacy rate, what will the country’s standard of living be like?

73 66. What is the goal of NAFTA?

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