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Speed Dating Exercise You have 30 minutes to talk to each person in your group Spend 4 minutes (2 minutes each) talking to each person and find out: –Who.

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Presentation on theme: "Speed Dating Exercise You have 30 minutes to talk to each person in your group Spend 4 minutes (2 minutes each) talking to each person and find out: –Who."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speed Dating Exercise You have 30 minutes to talk to each person in your group Spend 4 minutes (2 minutes each) talking to each person and find out: –Who they are –What their (day) job is –What they want to get from the programme

2 Formative Evaluation of the Design for Learning Programme Veronica Adamson Jane Plenderleith Glenaffric Ltd

3 Evaluation Model

4 Evaluation Objectives Develop an evaluation framework Collate and synthesise issues arising across the Design for Learning Programme: –conceptual difficulties –cultural factors –user requirements for new learning design tools Identify areas of successful innovation or emerging good practice Assess the progress of the projects towards realising the overall aim of the Design for Learning Programme Make recommendations on sustainability and continuation of the programme


6 Evaluation Framework Programme overview and context Purpose of evaluation Evaluation objectives Methodology Key informants and other stakeholders –Project directors, managers and staff –JISC Pedagogy Steering Group –JISC Pedagogy Experts Group –Other sector agencies and organisations (eg HE Academy, QAAHE, UK HE and FE Funding Councils, Becta, NILTA, ALT) Evaluation plan

7 Modified Logframe ObjectivesKey Indicators Means of Verification Stakeholders What are we trying to achieve? How will we know that the objectives have been achieved? Where will we find the evidence that the objectives are being achieved? Who has an interest in the outputs and outcomes?

8 Evaluation approaches Review project documentation (eg bid document, project plan and all reports) Provide web-based mechanism for critical reflection Conduct telephone support meetings Support project evaluation planning Visit projects


10 GEM Evaluation Support site hosted in Moodle Project Incident Questionnaire (PIQ) Use ~ every fortnight Potential for other evaluation supports through forums, wikis, etc Need to create a user account and enrol in D4L Project Incidents Course with enrolment key Glenaffric Evaluation Muddle

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