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Asia & Pacific Internet Association 1 Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA) AP* Retreat in Taipei 22 February 2003 Kyoko Day Secretary General.

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Presentation on theme: "Asia & Pacific Internet Association 1 Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA) AP* Retreat in Taipei 22 February 2003 Kyoko Day Secretary General."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 1 Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA) AP* Retreat in Taipei 22 February 2003 Kyoko Day Secretary General

2 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 2 Board of Directors & Officers Members of the Board of Directors – Abhisak Chulya, Chairman – Philip Smith, Vice-chairman – Toru Takahashi, Treasurer – Kyoko Day, Secretary – Ole Jacobsen – Yong Wan Ju – James Seng Secretary General – Kyoko Day

3 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 3 Focus & Strategies in 2002 Activities Focused on Organizing Forums of trendy issues, such as Internet Security, IPv6 and IXs. Strategies still focused on alliance/partnership – Partnership with APRICOT – lead to a merger – Sought partnership/collaborations with national Internet associations, national NICs, as well as international organizations such as ITU-T and APT – APIA already singed a MoU with EuroISPA and eCom-Lac in 2001 – Joint activities with APOPS & IX experts Sought advice from the various stakeholders – Especially, from APRICOT stakeholders

4 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 4 Membership Updates Members at the end of 2002 – 4 Corporate, 1 NPO, and 12 Individual Members The members include – ISP, national Internet association, RIR, research org, national NIC, and individual experts Gained 9 new individual members in 2002 Negative economic trend continued – Difficulty in obtaining corporate members

5 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 5 Activities in 2002 (1) Conference Sponsorship & Endorsement - Supported APRICOT 2002 as a Gold sponsor shared complimentary registrations with individuals who are in need (East Timor, China, Nepal for 2002) – Endorsed CommunicAsia-SG held in June Published Newsletter #8 – #8 featured IXs and AP* org updates, published just prior to APRICOT 2002

6 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 6 Activities of 2002 (2) AGM at APRICOT 2002 on 2 March APIA Forums at APRICOT 2002 – Internet Industry Country Report TW, KR, SG, HK, JP, CN, NZ, MY, and KH – IX Panel Discussion – 73 participants Meetings during IETF in Yokohama – IX Operators Forum on 16 July – APIA - APRICOT Joint Meeting on 17 July

7 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 7 Activities of 2002 (3) Prior to APNIC OPM in Kokura – APIA One-day Track on 2 Sept Topics covered on the latest trends and issues, such as Internet Security, IPv6, Wireless LAN, and IXs – APIA – APRICOT Joint Meeting on 2 Sept – APIA Board Meeting with newly appointed Board Members on 3 Sept Elected officers

8 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 8 About APRICOT at APRICOT 2002 – Presented a proposal to APRICOT APIA to provide a legal umbrella for APRICOT – Held open discussion at AGM in 2 March – Held joint meeting with APRICOT Exco during IETF on 17 July – Held another joint meeting with the Exco at APNIC Open Policy Meeting on 2 September – More discussions held over email

9 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 9 Decisions Decisions made by APIA & APRICOT stakeholders – To merge the two organizations APIA to provide a legal umbrella for APRICOT – To adopt a new organization structure – APIA Secretariat to administer APRICOT event starting for 2004 APIA decisions are, – To fill APIA Board with stakeholders from APRICOT Also decided to add 3 more board members to have more wider representations – For APIA to focus on APRICOT activity

10 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 10 Outcomes 4 New Board Members Appointed in August – Abhisak Chulya (TH), Yong Wan Ju (KR), James Seng (SG), Philip Smith (AP) – Selection based on recommendations by the Members and APRICOT Exco – To have more representations at the Board Call for nominations for 3 sent in January 03 New APIA Mission Aligned in respect to APRICOT – To ensure the stability and the future of APRICOT, and – To build human resource infrastructure for the Internet and to foster the efficient, stable, and sustainable development of the Internet in the AP region

11 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 11 Plans for 2003-04 Expected – Focus, shift to APRICOT – To appoint a new SG and hire an admin staff Continued collaboration with other organizations and individuals experts Appoint 3 more Board Directors and hold an election at the next AGM during APRICOT 2004 More about the future of APIA-APRICOT to be discussed at the next joint meeting on Monday 24 Feb, 19:30-21:00, TICC in Room 101D

12 Asia & Pacific Internet Association 12 Thank you. Any questions? Http:// email to -

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