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CSEE Student Research Conference Sponsored by Dept. of CSEE Eliza Yingzi Du.

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Presentation on theme: "CSEE Student Research Conference Sponsored by Dept. of CSEE Eliza Yingzi Du."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSEE Student Research Conference Sponsored by Dept. of CSEE Eliza Yingzi Du

2 Why?  First Paper  Build confidence  Networking  Leadership & Teamwork

3 What?  Paper submission, March 18  Paper review and notification, April, 8  Paper revision and final submission, April 19  Oral presentation, 9:00AM-12:30PM, May 3  Poster presentation, 12:30-2:00PM, May 3  Keynote speech, 2:30-3:30PM, May 3  Awards, 3:30-4:00PM, May 3

4 HOW?





9 Awards

10 Make a Difference  Money—Sponsorship  Keynote Speech  Participate  Support the students

11 Rewards  Homepage  Proceedings  CD-ROMS  Advertisement  Exhibition  Recruiting  Certification  Appreciation

12 Brighter Future of UMBC! Higher quality employees!

13 You know you are making a wise choice!

14 Acknowledgement  Dr. Shlomo Carmi, Dean  Dr. John Pinkston, Chair of CSEE  Dr. Mark Althouse, DoD  Dr. Chein-I Chang, Dr. Li Yan, and Dr. Tim Finin  Department of CSEE

15 Thank you!

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