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DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20061 Proposal Study to Improve CEO Job Enjoyment Presented by Daniel W. DeHayes William L. Haeberle May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20061 Proposal Study to Improve CEO Job Enjoyment Presented by Daniel W. DeHayes William L. Haeberle May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20061 Proposal Study to Improve CEO Job Enjoyment Presented by Daniel W. DeHayes William L. Haeberle May 2006

2 DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20062 Outline Summary The Problem The Solution The Study Process The Benefits The Budget Decision Points

3 DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20063 Summary We believe that the job enjoyment among CEOs has decreased, leading to sub-optimal firm performance. We can find no research that provides suggestions on how to improve job enjoyment of the top person. We propose conducting a study among Alliance members to test a model process we have developed. The study would validate the model process and provide tailored feedback to members participating in the study. General results would be presented in a conference to be held in conjunction with the Thursday afternoon session of the Alliance meeting in November 2006. Several corporate sponsors would be secured to support part of the cost of the study and conference. Alliance members participating in the study would also contribute to the cost of the study.

4 DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20064 The Problem Research has shown that job satisfaction among employees in most organizations has declined. Our observations make us conclude that the job enjoyment of the CEO or owner/operator has declined as well. Typical reasons given for CEO enjoying the job less are: stress from a more competitive environment and the number of problems facing the top person. Research to date has offered the CEO few answers on how to improve enjoyment from the job.

5 DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20065 The Solution We believe that how the top person spends his/her time is critical to improving job enjoyment. We believe that many CEOs are spending too much time on activities they don’t enjoy and don’t do well. We also believe that current organizational structures often reduce effective communication for the CEO, making the job less enjoyable. We believe that the top person needs to take the several radical steps to recover his/her previous level of enjoyment. We have developed a model process for improving CEO job enjoyment. The process requires an assessment of current activities by the CEO and an analysis of the firm’s organizational structure. We propose that we conduct a study to validate the model and provide tailored feedback to Alliance members participating in the study and general feedback on the validity of the model to all Alliance members.

6 DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20066 The Study Process Secure study participants and complete the sponsorship group. Build assessment instruments to capture potential sources of job enjoyment/lack of enjoyment. Visit study participants on-site in order to assess the current level of job enjoyment of the CEO, determine the activities currently carried out by the CEO, assess what the CEO is best and worst at, and analyze the organization for communications issues. Analyze individual company data to determine sources of CEO enjoyment or lack of enjoyment. Analyze data for all companies to validate the model. Build recommendations for study participants to improve CEO job enjoyment in terms of steps to reallocate CEO time, needed organizational changes, and a new planning and control system. Provide feedback to study participants via an on-site meeting. Present findings on the model process at a conference for Alliance members and invited guests in November 2006.

7 DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20067 The Benefits Job enjoyment of the Alliance members participating in the project should improve. The improved job enjoyment and resulting excitement of the CEO should lead to improved financial results of those members participating in the study. All Alliance members should benefit by discussions on the steps needed to improve CEO job enjoyment. White papers or press releases would be prepared on the model process, providing positive PR value to the Alliance.

8 DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20068 The Budget Revenue –Study Participants (Alliance Members) (15@$2000)$30,000 –Sponsors (3@$7,500) 22,500 –Total Revenue 52,500 Expenses –Principal Investigators$24,000 –Assistants (instrument design, data analysis) 15,000 –Travel (30 trips @ $125) 3,750 –Office Expense (telephone, copying, report prep) 5,500 –Additional Conference Expense (breaks, room, reception) 2,800 –Contingency 1,450 –Total Expenses$52,500

9 DWD/WLH/V3.0/5 May 20069 Decision Points Is the issue of CEO job enjoyment a reasonable matter for the Alliance to study? We need to decide this issue today. Do you want to participate in the study? Up to 20 individual Alliance members could decide to participate in the study at a cost of $2,000 each. Each participating member would receive two visits and a confidential report on suggestions to improve job enjoyment. We need at least 15 participants by 1 June to make the study possible. Can an additional two sponsors be found @ $7,500 by 1 June? Each sponsor would be encouraged to invite other CEOs to the Alliance meeting in November. These CEOs could be candidates for Alliance membership. If two additional sponsors and enough Alliance members decide to participate by June 1, the study would be launched this summer and early Fall. Assistants would be hired and visits scheduled. If sufficient preliminary results on the validity of the model are available, one session in the September 2006 meeting would be devoted to the topic.

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