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Galucoma The most of important factor which cause rise of intraocular pressure is obstruction to the drainage of the aqueous humor.

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Presentation on theme: "Galucoma The most of important factor which cause rise of intraocular pressure is obstruction to the drainage of the aqueous humor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galucoma The most of important factor which cause rise of intraocular pressure is obstruction to the drainage of the aqueous humor



4 Infantile Glaucoma(Buphthalmos)  Incidence : i. Age : present since birth, symptoms may manifest within 1-3 years of life. ii. Sex : Boys > Girls iii. It’s usually bilateral  Symptoms : 1- Lacrimation 2- Photophobia 3- DV 4- enlargement of the cornea

5  Signs : 1- enlargement of the eyeball 2- corneal oedema 3- deep anterior chamber 4- Lens is flattened and displaced backward 5- Sclera becomes thin and bluish  Diagnosis : 1- Raised intraocular pressure 2- Measurement of corneal diameter 3- Fundus examination 4- Gonioscopy

6 Open Angle Glaucoma

7 Central Visual Field Defects

8 Peripheral Field Defects

9 Treatment


11  Surgical treatment ( Trabeculectomy )  Argon or Diode Laser Trabeculoplasty

12 Acute congestive glaucoma

13 Closed Angle Glaucoma condition which the intraocular tension is raised due to the narrow or closed angle of the anterior chamber.  Etiology -genetic base- 1- small eyes 2- anatomically narrow angle 3- shallow A/C 4- iris is pushed forward  Incidence 1- Age : 5 th to 6 th decade 2- Sex : Women more effected 3- Bilateral but one’s eye is evolved first

14  Symptoms : 1- sudden onset & intense unbearable pain 2- Severe headache, nausea, & vomiting 3- marked deminshition of vision 4- redness, lacrimation, & photophobia  Signs : 1- chemosis 2- cilliary congestion 3- Cornea is cloudy 4- A/C very shallow 5- iris discolored, Atrophic patches 6- pupil is dilated and vertically oval 7- Glaucoma flakens (Psudu xexophalations ) 8- markedly raised intocular pressure 9- fundus examn – difficult to see ( no cupping ) 10- Gonioscopy narrow angle of A/C 11- the other eye has shallow A/C and narrow angle

15  Treatment : initial treatment is always medical & after controlling of IOP surgical peripheral iridectomy or laser iridotomy.

16 Absolute Glaucoma the eye is completely blind with markedly increased IOP  Treatment : 1- trabeculectomy 2- Cyclodialysis 3- Cyclocryopexy 4- to relive pain by retro bulbar alcohol injection

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