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JISC Technical Standards Jon Duke Andy Jordan. Purpose Pull together the JISCs guidance Identify a way forward –Tie in with allied bodies Propose maintenance.

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Presentation on theme: "JISC Technical Standards Jon Duke Andy Jordan. Purpose Pull together the JISCs guidance Identify a way forward –Tie in with allied bodies Propose maintenance."— Presentation transcript:

1 JISC Technical Standards Jon Duke Andy Jordan

2 Purpose Pull together the JISCs guidance Identify a way forward –Tie in with allied bodies Propose maintenance arrangements

3 Scope All services and projects Existing guidance documents Appraisal of other work such as Becta, NOF-digitise, the NLN and e-GIF

4 Our approach Initially consult with key stakeholders Then consultation process email list of ~ 70 volunteers from the JISC, its community and other organisations area on JISC web site to post documents for list members

5 Key foci of standards activity UKOLN, CETIS, TechDis e-Government Unit –e-GIF and Technical Standards Catalogue –Parliamentary mandate for public sector use

6 Conclusions - 1 Favour open standards but –recognise sometimes only proprietary ones available Link JISC maintenance process to e-GIF Use checklist based approach for appraising standards –Minimise risk

7 Conclusions - 2 Tools should be used to verify compliance of developed applications to standards Metadata of JISC projects to include statement of compliance/non-compliance Use SOA approach to organise presentation of standards guidance

8 SOA approach Presentation functionality (delivery channels etc.) Common functionality (e.g. authentication/authorisation, resource discovery, metadata, content management, digital library) Infrastructure (e.g. JANET) eLearning application functionality eResearch application functionality

9 Key audiences are Manager Developer JISC development projects Institutions and organisations in community JISC funded service providers Third party vendors

10 Guidance publication Initially on the web Intention of moving to an XML based approach –to harmonise with any similar moves made by e-GIF

11 Maintenance Policy should rest with the JISC –Annual Review UKOLN should manage the process –6 monthly Review –Subcontracting parts out

12 Publish draft Consult publicly Amend Publish Prepare next version UKOLN pulls drafts together Publish draft Consult community Amend Publish Sub-contractors work on draft Write guidance

13 Comments please Key Issues Open Standards Maintenance Presentation Tying to eGIF

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