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Published byKristian Hunter Modified over 9 years ago
Therapeutic exercises at diseases of respiratory system
Causes of the respiratory diseases: a) Limiting of the chest and lungs mobility; b) Disorders of the respiratory ways passage ; c) Decreasing of lungs respiratory surface ; d) Decreasing of the elastic lungs ; e) Disorders of the gas diffusion in the lungs ; f) Disorders of the central respiratory regulation and lungs blood circulation.
Mechanisms of the physical exercises curative action: General tonic : improving higher regulator mechanisms in the CNS (formation and improvement self-control, self-regulation, control for breathing and muscles relaxing ); stimulationс of metabolism ; improving of nervous and psychical tone ; restoration and rising tolerance to physical loadings. Pathogenetic action : correction of the breathing mechanisms ; accelerating of the resolve at inflammatory processes; improving of the bronchial passage ; removing and decreasing of the bronchi spasm ; improving of the bronchi drainage function ; regulation of the external breathing function and its reserves. Prophylactic action : improving of the external breathing function; take possession by methods of breathing operation ; decreasing of the intoxication ; stimulation of the immune processes ; improving of the protective functions of the respiratory tracts, gardening of an organism and rising its resistance to cold ; formation and improving of self-control skills.
Results of the physical exercises conducting a improving mobility of the chest connections, so its excursion is increasing ; this influence positive on the lung’s function; b) rhythmic movements lead to increasing of the lungs ventilation ; c) substances, which are formed at the muscles contraction, adrenaline, which go to the blood in the case of positive emotions during executing of physical exercises positive influence on the receptors of bronchi muscles ; d) increasing of the oxygen need in an organism stimulate the respiratory system, increase its functional possibilities.
Specific of the TE at the diseases of при respiratory organs: Conducting of the respiratory exercises with different character: a) for the increasing of lung’s ventilation; b) for relief of the expiration; c) for accelerating exudates resolve; d) for stretching of adhesives in the pleural cavity. 2. Using of different initial poses, which help the improving of lung’s action – increasing of the chest excursion, lung’s ventilation, flexibility, mobility of the chest connections. 3. Conducting of the physical exercises with objects (gymnastic stick – for exercises of the respiratory character; булава – for vide swing-shape movements, which enlarge the chest; rubber tape and dumb-bells – make physical exercises more effective, strength the respiratory muscles, balls – its using make the procedures of the TE more emotional).
4. Differences of the TE methods. 5. Using of the special gymnastic exercises according to character and and localization of pathology. 6. Correlation of the physical exercises parts with inspiration and expiration (widening of chest – inspiration, squeezing – expiration, at exudates pleurisy it better do inspiration bending trunk in the health side, this help more stretching adhesives ) 7. If at diseases of cardio-vascular system the main task - right dosage of the general strengthen influence,at respiratory diseases significant not only correctly determinate the dose of the physical loading,but find special physical exercises for concrete pathological process. 8. Together with general strengthen action of the physical exercises on the patient’s organism, significant is the local action with the help special exercises: a) fixation of the separate parts of chest for limiting of its mobility this give more expressed respiratory excursion of other (not fixed) departments; b) pressing on the chest and on the front abdominal wall with the aim to do the expiration more deep and long;
c) pronouncing sounds on the expiration ;it permits make control for even and long expiration ; d) using of the nose and pharynx reflex for improving of breathing - mainly expiration (cold air irritate receptors of the mucous membranes, impulses are going to the medulla oblongata then impulses go in opposite direction to the bronchi muscles and bronchi spasm is removing ); e) right connection and interchange of the moderate loadings and respiratory exercises ( loadings increase need in the deeper breathing (aeration), help better realization of respiratory function); f) using of the different drainage exercises and poses, which improve lung’s drainage); g) training of the abdominal kind of breath from the initial pose laying on the spine for the increasing of diaphragm excursion; h) pulling the stomach and pressing on abdomen bending leg with the purpose of the diaphragm rising, improving of the lower lung’s department ventilation and removing of the phlegm; i) hands laying on the waist or gymnastic apparatus with the purpose of the unloading of chest of it’s weight and improving of the deep breathing.
TE task for the respiratory diseases General: 1.I mproving of the CNS higher regulator mechanisms. 2.I mproving of the mental processes – – – – will, sense, perception and other. 3.F ormation and fastening of the self-control, self-regulation, muscles relaxation, conducting of breath skills. 4.I mproving of action and increasing of the Respiratory system functional possibilities (increasing of the lung’s ventilation, VLV, chest and anterior abdomen wall excursion, improving of gas metabolism, strength of the respiratory muscles). 5.I mproving of the breathing act (rhythm, deep smoothness). 6.G eneral s s s strengthen and hardening of an organism, ricing of its resistance.
TE tasks for some diseases Pneumonia TE tasks for some diseases Pneumonia 1.Increase of blood and lymph circulation in the lungs for acceleration of exudates and inflammation products resolves for prevention of the complications; 2.Improving the lungs ventilation – prophylaxis of atelectasis formation; 3.Prevention of adhesives spread in pleural cavities; 4.Activization of tissues metabolism and oxygen and restore processes in the body; 5.Nervous and psychical tone rising; 6.Improvement of drainage function of the lungs; 7.Medicines action activating.
Bronchial asthma 1.Promotion of the bronchi spasm decreasing; 2.To study of the patient by breathing ruling during the asthmatic attack; 3.Breath improving : expiration’s extending; 4.Activation of the tissues trophic ; 5.Strengthen of the patient’s organism generally and respiratory muscles for prevent of lung’s emphysema development; 6.Removing of the pathological cortex and visceral reflexes and restoration the normal stereotype of breathing apparatus regulation; rising of the nervous and mental tone ; 7.Increasing of an organism adaptation to growing physical loadings.
Bronchitis : 1.Increasing of the blood and lymph circulation; 2.Decreasing or removing of the inflammatory bronchi processes; 3.Restoration of the bronchi drainage function; 4.Prophylaxis of the chronic bronchitis, pneumonia; 5.Rising general and local bronchi resistance, organism resistance to the cold diseases. Lung’s emphysema: 1.Saving of the lung’s tissues elastic; 2.Increasing of the chest and spine bone mobility; 3.Training of the diaphragm breathing, increasing of the diaphragm respiratory excursion; 4.Strengthen of the respiratory muscles, especially such,that take part expiration act – decreasing of the respiratory muscles rising tone; 5.Teaching of the right, rhythmic breathing with the prolongation expiration; 6.Improvement of the cardio- vascular system function.
Pleurisy: 1.Struggle against respiratory insufficiency; 2.Help to exudates resolve, oppose pleurisy adhesives formations; 3.Activating of the blood and lymph circulation; 4.Restoration of the external breathing apparatus function; 5.Adaptation of the cardio-vascular and respiratory systems,in generally,to increasing physical loadings. Bronchiectatic disease: 1.Improving of the spitting removing from lungs; 2.Inflammatory processes removing; 3.Formation of the chest and spine bone conjunction mobility; 4.Rising of general and local bronchi resistance.
Indications and contraindications to the TE at the diseases of respiratory system DiseasesIndicationsContraindications 1. Pneumonia Normal or sub febrile temperature of body Satisfactory general state of patient. Decreasing of the ESR and leucocytosis). High body temperature (38 С and more). Accelerating of the cardio-vascular insufficiency (tachycardia state of rest – more 100 b./min.).Severe general state 2. Exudates pleurisy Satisfactory general state. Normal or sub febrile temperature.Trend to the normalizing of the blood indexes.Decreasing of the exudates level.Appearance of the pleural friction rub and pain, connect with it on the height of inspiration. Decreasing of tachycardia, shortness of breath Satisfactory general state. Normal or sub febrile temperature.Trend to the normalizing of the blood indexes.Decreasing of the exudates level.Appearance of the pleural friction rub and pain, connect with it on the height of inspiration. Decreasing of tachycardia, shortness of breath High body temperature. Height of the exudates standing – on the level of 4 rib. Increasing of the pleural liquid quantity. Rising of the lung’s and cardiac insufficiency
3. Bronchial asthma Asthmatic state. Accelerating of the lung’s and cardiac insufficiency with the decompensation. 4.Bronchitis Acute process subsiding High body temperature 5.Lung’s emphysema Acute inflammatory process. Expressed chronic lung’s and cardiac insufficiency and its progressing – there is no contraindication. 6.Bronchiectatic disease High body temperature. (during 24 hours; It’s connect with the spitting delaying). Expressed cardio-vascular insufficiency. Lung’s bleeding(single blood veins in the spit – there is no contraindication. ) Indications and contraindications to the TE at the diseases of respiratory system
During of the TE procedure at diseases of respiratory system are appointed : a) Static ruling breathing – work only respiratory muscles. Lead to the normal correlation between in-and expiration; b) Dynamic ruling breathing – connect with different movements which are conducted with arms, feet, head, all body for strengthen and prolonging of expiration; c) Local breathing – limiting of activity of some chest part, where is needing in increasing of respiratory excursion : upper - chest, lower-chest,lateral, abdominal.
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