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E-Learning Models Desk Study Chris Fowler. Purpose To explain our current thinking and specification of the E-Learning Models Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Learning Models Desk Study Chris Fowler. Purpose To explain our current thinking and specification of the E-Learning Models Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Learning Models Desk Study Chris Fowler

2 Purpose To explain our current thinking and specification of the E-Learning Models Advisor and Case Study Tool. To get your feedback on the value of the tool for practitioners (group work) in terms of both its internal and external validity

3 Learning Activities: Finding the starting point. We define learning activity as : The totality of the purposeful or goal orientated learning behaviour being analysed E.g: Present facts/concepts Gather Facts/concepts Evaluate concepts Reflect critically Build/test theories (predict consequences) Acquire skills Solve problems Apply knowledge Observe behaviours Draw conclusions Defend a position These are grounded by the goals of the practitioner and not necessarily driven by any theoretical consideration.

4 Identifying the Activities Activities Resources Roles Resource demanding Prior knowledge critical Brainstorming ideas Self diagnosis Self direction Critical reflection Experiential learning Use of private communication Collaborative dialogue Co-operative tasks Teacher directed Feedback from teachers Feedback from peers Concrete situation Theory building/testing Problem focused Abstract concepts Skill emphasis Knowledge emphasis E-learning Models Practice Models Associationist Situative Cognitive Implications 1.Laurillard 2. Wenger 3. Mayes & Fowler Developmental Dialogue Identity Social Developmental Transmission Nurturing Apprenticeship Social reform Theory Key learning Characteristics Key Practice Characteristic Goals Perspective Teacher as expert Domain specific Assessment driven Pass on K or S Keep teacher in control Key Concept Key concepts

5 A Generic Description of the Activities An activity can be further described in terms of: 1.Roles (eg learners in control; teacher directed) 2.Context ( eg in real-time; peer-to-peer) 3.Operations (eg; define learning outcomes; choose appropriate tasks; select resources) 4.Tools (eg text chat; PowerPoint) 5.Assessment (eg formal test; peer evaluation) Exist at the level of Lesson Plans

6 Activities and Theory Activities can be bundled according to theoretical considerations This can lead to legitimate or preferred choices for each Eg: XPresent Facts –> teacher directed –> peer-to-peer –> organise collaborative session -> PowerPoint -> formal assessment Present Facts ->teacher directed -> one-to-many-> prepare materials -> PowerPoint -> formal assessment Present Facts -> learner directed -> peer-to-peer -> choose collaborative tasks->white-board->peer assessment

7 Theoretical Mappings Theory/Model Stage ActivitiesRolesContextOperationToolsAssessment ConceptualisationPresent FactsTeacher directed; Teacher feedback; Teacher task Classroom activity; One-to-many; Define learning outcomes; identify and assess prerequisites; Collate resources; prepare handouts PowerPoint WebCT Summary- multiple choice test; essay Evaluate ConceptsTeacher directed Teacher feedback Learner Task Homework activity; One-to-one; Define learning outcomes; Identify readings; define questions Web pages; Word processor Formative – seminar paper; essay Draw conclusionsTeacher directed Teacher Feedback Learner task Small group; many-to-many Define learning outcomes; Structure task (checklists); Mind mapsInformal teacher assessment; Formal - essay Construction a) Individual Activity Acquire SkillsTeacher Directed Teacher feedback Learners Task Laboratory/ workshop setting Simulations

8 Process Overview Mapping Model (A).doc

9 Demonstration stage 3 - modelV3.ppt

10 Issues, Concerns and Questions Right level of granularity (ie learning activities for lesson planning)? Meaningful terminology/vocabulary? Sufficiently robust to cover multiple situations found in each sector? Internally consistent and complete? What about costs, support, quality and other more pragmatic issues? Discovery, Guided or both?

11 Groups Three Groups (A, B, & C) each with at least two members of the project team ( a facilitator and a scribe) Group A - CF and SdF Group B - JS and CA Group C - TM and FR People will be randomly assigned to groups.

12 Thank you

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