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The Cold War 1945- 1991 YALTA (in the USSR) Date: Feb 1945 Present: Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.

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2 The Cold War 1945- 1991


4 YALTA (in the USSR) Date: Feb 1945 Present: Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin

5 POTSDAM (Germany) Date: July 1945 Present: Churchill, Truman and Stalin

6 Improve your knowledge The Russians took very high casualties to capture Berlin in May 1945. They spent the early occupation trying to take over all zones of the city but were stopped by German democrats such as Willy Brandt and Konrad Adenauer. Reluctantly the Russians had to admit the Americans, French and British to their respective zones.

7 Iron Curtain – A term used by Winston Churchill to describe the separating of Those communist lands of East Europe from the West.

8 Improve your knowledge The nuclear bomb gave America a lead which was expected to last at least 5 years. The rapid Russian development of nuclear technology, helped by the work of the “atom spies” was a shock. Significantly, Russia hurriedly declared war against Japan at the beginning of August 1945 and rushed to advance into Asia to stake out a position for the post- war settlement. This helped make both the Korean and Vietnamese conflicts more likely.

9 The ‘Truman Doctrine’ Truman had been horrified at the pre- war Allied policy of appeasement and was determined to stand up to any Soviet intimidation. The Truman Doctrine in March 1947 promised that the USA “would support free peoples who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”. Triggered by British inability to hold the line in Greece, it was followed by aid to Greece and Turkey, and also money to help capitalists to stop communists in Italy and France. It signalled the end of “isolationst” policies.

10 The ‘Marshall Plan’ The Marshall Plan offered huge sums to enable the economies of Europe to rebuild after World War II, and, by generating prosperity, to reject the appeal of Communism. The Soviet Union (USSR) prevented Eastern European countries from receiving American money.

11 Berlin West Berlin, was an outpost of Western democracy and economic success deep within the communist zone – like a capitalist island within communist East Germany The Berlin Blockade was an attempt to starve West Berlin into submitting [giving up] to the communists The Allied [western powers] airlift signalled the West’s determination to use all resources to defend Berlin. It was feld by both sides that Berlin could act as the trigger for general war between capitalist and communist countries

12 #1 The economic policies of the Soviet Union traditionally emphasized the production of automobiles for export building materials for luxury housing consumer goods heavy industrial goods.

13 #2 Which is generally a characteristic of a communist economy? investment is encouraged by the promise of large profits the role of government in the economy is restricted by law government agencies are involved in production planning. entrepreneurs sell shares in their companies to the government

14 #3 One reason the Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact was to ease the transition to democracy help institute capitalism in Eastern Europe limit the threat of invasion from Western Europe. challenge the economic successes of the Common Market

15 #4 In the Soviet Union, a negative aspect of the Cold War Era was the attempt to preserve democratic ideals development of peaceful uses for modern technology development of effective means of international cooperation high cost of maintaining the arms race.

16 #5 Prior to the 1980’s, the emphasis of the Five- Year Plans in the Soviet Union was on heavy industry. One result was the scarcity of consumer goods. abundance of manufactured goods rejection of agricultural planning decline in military spending

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