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Published byNeil Murphy Modified over 9 years ago
AGENDA Background Cross-Support Services Consolidation Further Considerations Summary and Service Catalog Backup slides: Cross-Support Services – Current Status 2 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Background Material prepared in response to action item 11 b) of IOAG#11 Material compiled on the basis of: the initial service catalog created during IOAG#11; discussion with missions in flight and under preparation (mostly deep space); ongoing CCSDS CSTS standardization efforts; SISG findings and recommendations Discussion with A. Hooke, W. Tai, T. Yamada Material not limited to SLE services in the strict sense, i.e. services that allow tunneling of data structures traveling on the space link via terrestrial networks, but addressing cross-support services in more general terms Material addresses in-space cross-support interface aspects only to the extent that ground-based interfaces are affected. The in-space interface is addressed in a separate presentation 3 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Cross Support Consolidation Forward CLTU Delivery Service Deprecation of ‘Red Book’; implementation of the pending CCSDS corrections/improvements Agreement on way forward for AOS forward link Forward Space Packet Delivery Service Implementation of the pending CCSDS corrections/improvements Generalization to Forward Packet Delivery Service so that all CCSDS packet types including Encapsulation Packets can be tunneled (IP packet / DTN bundle tunnel) Support of Space Packet Protocol for modest routing (user interacts with the network layer rather than the link layer that only supports point-to-point data transfer) and as underlying protocol for CFDP (Note: None of the existing Prox-1 radios fully supports the Space Packet as SDU so far) 4 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Cross Support Consolidation Forward File Delivery Service CCSDS to develop a service allowing the supported agency to hand over to the supporting agency a file to be uplinked (possibly via a relay) If via relay, it should be the task of the supporting agency to create the packet sequence that includes besides the data to be delivered the Prox-1 radio commands Because of the above, such service most likely can not be provided out of the ground stations, but only out of the MOC operating the relay except if the relays get upgraded to CFDP waypoints 5 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Cross Support Consolidation Return Unframed Telemetry Service Possibly useful in spacecraft emergencies where due to lost or degraded attitude control frame synchronization is not possible Allows ‘bent pipe’ operation where for security reasons the telemetry data structure must not be disclosed For CCSDS compliant missions not a priority item Return All Frames Delivery Service Deprecation of ‘Red Book’; implementation of the pending CCSDS corrections/improvements Adaptation of the specification to new coding schemes if needed Specification of the ‘best practice’ private-annotation content, preferably harmonized with the CSTS Monitoring Service Agreement regarding the conditional delivery of check symbols 6 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Cross Support Consolidation Return Channel Frame Delivery Service Deprecation of ‘Red Book’; implementation of the pending CCSDS corrections/improvements Specification of the recommended private-annotation content, preferably harmonized with the CSTS Monitoring Service (as for RAF) Eliminate data-link-continuity parameter Agreement if ‘set of VCs’ shall be supported as data selection Return Operational Control Field No need for updates identified Return Space Packet Delivery Service CCSDS to develop the specification of a generalized Packet Delivery Service so that all packet types including Encapsulation Packets can be tunneled (IP packet / DTN bundle tunnel) Support of Space Packet Protocol for modest routing (e.g. out of the station to the PI or to the MOC of a landed asset supported via relay) and as underlying protocol for CFDP 7 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Cross Support Consolidation Return File Delivery Service CCSDS to develop a service allowing the supported agency to pick up a file from the supporting agency obtained possibly via a relay from an asset of the supported agency If via relay, it should be the task of the supporting agency to extract the file from the packet sequence generated by the Prox-1 radio This service shall also provide access to other Prox-1 products such as Doppler, time based ranging, open loop recording (not (yet) part of the Prox- 1 suite of standards) As reliable CFDP may necessitate the generation of telecommands carrying the retansmission requests and the to be commanded CFDP node may be operated by a different organization than the station, such service most likely can not be provided out of the ground stations, but only out of the MOC in charge of the CFDP waypoint 8 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Cross Support Consolidation Telemetry Catalog Service CCSDS to specify such service and catalog data structure The catalog shall identify contiguous blocks of data with start and end time (in ERT?) per block Such blocks shall be identified at space link, virtual channel and packet level File based telemetry delivery Such delivery mechanism is used today by some missions for offline retrieval, but completely based on the proprietary file system of the given telemetry processor In case the agencies can agree on a uniform file structure exposed on the cross-support service interface, then in combination with the CCSDS recommended file transfer mechanism a file base telemetry delivery service could be implemented. 9 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Cross Support Consolidation Radio Metric Data Delivery Service Migration to TDM format CCSDS to specify ‘best practice’ file delivery mechanism commensurate with common security policies; if deemed necessary, the exchange of high volume data may be treated separately CCSDS to complete the specification of (near) real-time service Delta-DOR Delivery Service Standard data format for correlator output available (TDM) Adopt the ‘best practice’ file delivery mechanism recommended by CCSDS CCSDS to develop a standard data format for open loop recording data – such format will then not only be used as standard correlator input, but also for radio science, beacon tone and other open loop recording based applications 10 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Cross Support Consolidation Trajectory Determination Service Possibly no need for standardization Auxiliary data Do we need to standardize format and access mechanisms for auxiliary data such as media calibration, quasar catalogs, etc? Do we also have to establish which agency (or other organization) will undertake to keep which of these data up-to-date? 11 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Cross Support Consolidation Monitoring Data Delivery Service CCSDS to complete the specification A standard (i.e. equipment independent) representation of parameters may be difficult to achieve and such effort should therefore be limited to an agreed core set of parameters Good candidate for ‘proof of concept’ of CSTS framework (Red Book after CCSDS Fall 2008 Workshop) with a real-world service Time Synchronization Services As a very minimum a service providing the Time Correlation Element determined for a relay must be made available, as otherwise time correlation for landed assets depending on cross-supporting relays (no DTE/DFE link) cannot be accomplished. More advanced means for in-space time distribution are desirable Service Management Shall we regard Service Management as a service in its own right? Shouldn’t we rather standardize the methods for exchanging parameters and then require each service to specify the parameters to be managed? 12 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Further Considerations With the CSTS tool kit becoming available all newly developed services not based on file transfer are expected to be implemented on that basis. For the sake of simplified software maintenance, shall also the existing services be re-implemented on this then common platform? This may entail some (minor) differences in terms of behavior and data type definitions Ground Communications today is managed partially as part of the SLE configuration (TCP buffer sizes) and partially by router configuration, in particular in terms of bandwidth allocation. A more elaborate management will be needed as more missions share a common resource 13 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Summary Cross-Support Services and Interfaces Consolidation (1): Implementation of corrections / improvements as identified by CCSDS of RAF, RCF, F-CLTU Specification and implementation of generalized forward and return Packet Delivery Services Specification and implementation of a forward and return file delivery service as access to CFDP (also for special Prox-1 files) Specification and implementation of a Telemetry Catalog Service Definition of a ‘best practice’ file exchange mechanism Specification of file based telemetry delivery Specification and implementation of file based and real time delivery service for radio metric data (including DDOR correlator output) Specification and implementation of an open loop recording data delivery service (shall also cover DDOR inter-agency baselines) Specification regarding access to and maintenance of auxiliary data (e.g. media calibration) 14 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Summary Cross-Support Services and Interfaces Consolidation (2): Specification and implementation of the (Space link) Monitoring data delivery service Specification and implementation of a Time Synchronization Service Consider Service Management restructuring by separating data exchange mechanisms (protocol) from service specific data structures 15 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Summary Service Catalog (core services): F-CLTU, FPS (Forward Packet Service), RAF, RCF, RPS (Return Packet Service) Fwd and Rtn File Delivery Service File based delivery of radiometric data Aux Data Access and Maintenance (not a service in the strict sense) Time Synchronization Service (could be split into core an extended functions) Service Management (at least the protocol and data structures related to the core services) Service Catalog (optional services): Fwd-AOS Frames Service (possibly integrated with F-CLTU) Rtn Unframed Telemetry Service Telemetry Catalog Service File based Telemetry Delivery Service Real-Time Radio Metric Data Delivery Service 16 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Forward Services (current status) Forward CLTU Delivery Service Red Book variant in day-to-day use Blue Book variant implemented by some agencies, but not yet in use NASA/JPL – ESA Blue Book mutual validation imminent CCSDS improvements in the pipeline: precise specification of behavior in terms of PLOP and CLCW processing; precise specification of behavior while a thrown event is being acted upon; improved language Discussion item: Tweaked F-CLTU service vs. a native Forward AOS service (NASA Orange Book on the former option under preparation) Forward Space Packet Delivery Service Blue Book implementation presently tested by ESA in the frame of a ground segment validation campaign CCSDS improvements in the pipeline: Improved language removing various ambiguities in particular regarding the behavior in case the AD service gets terminated and in case of FOP Alerts 18 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Forward Services (current status) Forward File Delivery Service Not standardized (yet) Ad-hoc agreements in place in the Mars relay context with mission and relay specific interfaces and formats 19 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Return Services (current status) Return Unframed Telemetry Service Specification work by CCSDS/CSTS dormant due to lack of man power Return All Frames Delivery Service Red Book variant in day-to-day use Blue Book variant implemented by some agencies, but not yet in use NASA/JPL – ESA Blue Book mutual validation envisaged for the end of this year CCSDS improvements in the pipeline: Behavior specification extended to cover the case of a ‘bad’ turbo encoded frame Precise specification of what is delivered when the frame quality is ‘undetermined’ ASN.1 of lock status parameter corrected Optional finer ERT resolution ERT reference event to be revisited to accommodate the characteristics of punctured codes Discussion items: Removal of the conditional (bad frames only) RS check symbol delivery ‘Best Practice’ (Magenta Book) content of the private-annotation parameter 20 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Return Services (current status) Return Channel Frame Delivery Service Red Book variant in day-to-day use Blue Book variant implemented by some agencies, but not yet in use NASA/JPL – ESA Blue Book mutual validation envisaged for the end of this year CCSDS improvements in the pipeline: Specification of data-link-continuity parameter and the ASN.1 specification applicable in the AOS case corrected Optional finer ERT resolution Discussion items: Elimination of the data-link-continuity annotation Delivery of a set of VCs using a single Service Instance ‘Best Practice’ (Magenta Book) content of the private-annotation parameter Return Operational Control Field Blue Book implementation presently tested by ESA in the frame of a ground segment validation campaign 21 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Return Services (current status) Return Space Packet Delivery Service An (obsolete) White Book exists Not a CCSDS Work Item at this stage, as there is no pressing need Return File Delivery Service Not standardized (yet) Ad-hoc agreements in place in the Mars relay context with mission and relay specific interfaces and formats Telemetry Catalog Service Desire to have such capability confirmed by mission operations entities Agency / equipment specific implementations in place, but not necessarily accessible via a cross-support interface Presently not a CCSDS work item 22 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Tracking Services (current status) Radio Metric Data Delivery Service Standard data format available (TDM), but proprietary formats still used in most cases No standardized delivery mechanism in place; bilateral agreements on file exchange used in most cases (Near) real-time delivery mechanism very similar to telemetry delivery with a TDM derived data structure under development by CCSDS / CSTS Delta-DOR Delivery Service Standard data format for correlator output available (TDM) No standardized delivery mechanism in place; bilateral agreements on file exchange used in most cases No standard correlator input format defined – inter-agency baselines require bilateral agreement on raw data conversion No standard mechanism in place for (high volume) raw data exchange 23 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Tracking Services (current status) Trajectory Determination Service Hardly ever used operationally Used one-off for mutual validation of radiometric data and their processing Bilateral agreements may be sufficient and related standardization effort not justified Auxiliary data Do we need to standardize format and access mechanisms for auxiliary data such as media calibration, quasar catalogs etc? Which organizational entity assumes responsibility for the maintenance of such data sets? 24 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Other Services (current status) Monitoring Data Delivery Service Strong interest in such service, in particular by deep space missions and for LEOP The information as such is in general available, but not accessible by mission control and/or via a cross-support interface Ad-hoc solutions implemented on a case by case basis (reporting via voice loop, WEB CAM, Excel files etc.) Very flexible Monitoring Service drafted by CCSDS / CSTS, but a simpler approach (default set of standardized parameters, optional parameters as bilaterally agreed) may be sufficient 25 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
Other Services (current status) Time Synchronization Services Presently not an exposed service – each mission determines the Time Correlation Elements (SET – UTC) by private means No CCSDS standard in place (except the time format and the ERT TM annotation); private definition of Spacecraft Elapsed Time (SET) sampling events and SET sample delivery to ground Time synchronization across cross-support interfaces is likely to become indispensable for relay scenarios (e.g. time based antenna pointing by landed assets) Service Management Red Book (2) review just completed; Blue Book planned for end 2008, but the Recommendation will have to evolve as to cover newly defined services and new operational needs (e.g. scheduling, in particular of in-space links) While significant efforts are put into a higher degree of automation in network and mission operations, these are based on proprietary solutions not offering CCSDS compliant interfaces The deployment schedule envisaged by IOAG agencies of CCSDS compliant Service Management is unclear 26 INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (SLE) Cross Support Service Catalog
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