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Flagship Course Module 1 Overview The Basics of Market.

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1 Flagship Course Module 1 Overview The Basics of Market

2 Three Fundamental Questions What goods and services should be produced and how? How much of each type of good and service should be produced? How should these goods and services be distributed among members in society?

3 Three Fundamental Questions What goods and services should be produced and how? How much of each type of good and service should be produced? How should these goods and services be distributed among members in society? MARKET

4 Market Under certain conditions Under certain conditions markets can lead to a: Technically Cost-effectively and Allocatively Efficient allocation of resources.

5 Prices Prices Ensure That: On the production sideOn the production side resources are used in their most productive way On the consumption sideOn the consumption side goods go to those who value them most

6 Efficiency-equity Relationship Individual ability and willingness to pay Market-based resource allocation Income and wealth distribution Equity Efficiency

7 Conditions for a Well-functioning Market 1- Production Side Many producers Free entry and exit of producers Low fixed cost No production externality

8 Conditions for a Well-functioning Market 2- Consumption Side Informational symmetry No consumption externality No dominant consumer

9 Externality Production externalityProduction externality Social cost = Private cost + E Consumption externalityConsumption externality Social benefit = Private benefit ± E

10 Determinants of Supply Price Production cost marginal costmarginal revenue production continues to increase to the point where marginal cost equals marginal revenue

11 Determinants of Demand Price Tastes, preferences and needs Income Price of complementary/substitute goods

12 Demand Schedule Quantity Price P1P1 P2P2 Q2Q2 Q1Q1 Q’ 2 Q’ 1 Price elasticity of demand

13 Demand Schedule Quantity Price P1P1 P2P2 Q2Q2 Q1Q1 Vertical height of demand schedule

14 Supply Schedule Quantity Price P1P1 P2P2 Q2Q2 Q1Q1 Price elasticity of supply

15 Supply Schedule Quantity Price P1P1 P2P2 Q2Q2 Q1Q1 Vertical height of supply schedule

16 Interaction of Demand and Supply Schedule Quantity Price PEPE P0P0 Q0sQ0s QEQE Q0dQ0d S D

17 Externality Production externalityProduction externality Social cost = Private cost + E Consumption externalityConsumption externality Social benefit = Private benefit ± E

18 Efficiency of the Market MSC=Marginal Social Cost MPC=Marginal Private Cost P=Price MPB= Marginal Private Benefit MSB=Marginal Social Benefit MSC = MPC = P = MPB = MSB

19 Efficiency of the Market Consumers ’ surplus: Consumers ’ value – Price Producers ’ surplus: Price – Actual production cost Efficiency = Maximizing Surplus

20 Surplus a b c Surplus = (a + c) + (b – c) = a + b S = MSC D = MSB Q P

21 Surplus a b c d e Surplus = (a + c - e) + (b – c - d) = (a + b) – (d + e) S = MSC D = MSB Q P

22 Efficiency of the Market a b Surplus = a + b S = MSC D = MSB QEQE PEPE

23 Market Failure MSC = MPC = P = MPB = MSB Examples: Water contamination by pesticides MSC > MPC Inability of consumers to judge the true value of a good (automobile) P > MPB Monopoly MPC < P

24 Government Role in Market Failure Failure Government Role Water contamination by pesticides Taxation Inability of consumers to judge the true value of a good Public education Regulatory approach MonopolyAnti-trust regulations

25 Major Features of Health Care Uncertainty and risk Informational asymmetries –Supplier-induced demand Derived demand Externality

26 پشت درياها شهري است قايقي بايد ساخت

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