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Chemical compounds in cells Elements and compounds DNA and RNA Carbohy- drates By. Carolyn O’keefe.

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2 Chemical compounds in cells Elements and compounds DNA and RNA Carbohy- drates By. Carolyn O’keefe

3 Atom

4 Compound- Is A chemical compound is a pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements.

5  Are carbohydrates good or bad for you? Carbohydrates are good for your everyday diet. They are good for you because carbohydrates gives your body things you need that most other foods cant give to you. A carbohydrate is a energy rich organic compound made up of the elements.

6  Types of lipids  Fats  Oils  Waxes  Waxes Lipids are another type of organic molecule that contains carbon. When you think of fats, you should know that they are lipids. Lipids are also used to make wax, and oils.

7  Proteins are large organic molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur. Foods that are rich in proteins Meat Eggs Fish Nuts beans

8  Nucleic Acids- Are very long organic molecules made of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. There are two kinds of nucleic acids D.N.A and R.N.A.

9  (Deoxyribonucleic acid) D.N.A.- Is the genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed from parent to offspring.  (Ribonucleic acid)R.N.A.- Plays an important role in the production of proteins.

10  Http:// Http://  41l.jpg 41l.jpg   a/index.html a/index.html 

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