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Parasitism Lab. Set 74—No. 1: Mold on Fish—5 X Set 74—No. 1: Mold on Fish More info: The strands of mold, called hyphae, pierce the skin to get food.

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Presentation on theme: "Parasitism Lab. Set 74—No. 1: Mold on Fish—5 X Set 74—No. 1: Mold on Fish More info: The strands of mold, called hyphae, pierce the skin to get food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parasitism Lab

2 Set 74—No. 1: Mold on Fish—5 X

3 Set 74—No. 1: Mold on Fish More info: The strands of mold, called hyphae, pierce the skin to get food. Molds spread to other fish thru spores that swim and land on other fish.

4 Set 74—No. 4: Paramecium—920 X

5 Set 74—No. 4: Paramecium More info: Paramecium, like other animals, exhale carbon dioxide.

6 Set 74—No. 5: Flea—7 X Mouth parts

7 Set 74—No. 5: Flea More info: Fleas have power full legs and can jump 13 inches. The human equivalent of a flea jump is 400 yards (1200 feet).

8 Set 74—No. 8: Viruses on E. coli— 60,000 X

9 Set 74—No. 8: Viruses on E. coli More info: Many alpha viruses are attacking the E. coli bacterium. The line is on the picture is 1 micrometer (or 0.001 mm or 1 x 10 -6 m).

10 Set 75—No. 1: Trichina worms—65 X

11 Set 75—No. 1: Trichina worms More info: The muscle tissues shown here were infected after the worm burrowed into them. T = the worm (curled up) Y and X = cysts (or sacks) surrounding the worm

12 Set 75—No. 5: Malaria Parasite— 340 X

13 Set 75—No. 5: Malaria Parasite More info: Plasmodium is a protozoan. O = oocyst (or egg) that has thousands of the parasites in it Red blood cells are destroyed as the parasites divide in them.

14 Set 75—No. 6: Tapeworm—65 X

15 Set 75—No. 6: Tapeworm More info: The head attaches to the intestines and the rest hangs freely, soaking up nutrients. H = hooks S = suckers Eggs are in the proglottids (segments) that fall off and pass out of the body.

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