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The Argentinian pampas and agro-ecological approaches to studying pollination of entomophilous crops Mariano Devoto.

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Presentation on theme: "The Argentinian pampas and agro-ecological approaches to studying pollination of entomophilous crops Mariano Devoto."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Argentinian pampas and agro-ecological approaches to studying pollination of entomophilous crops Mariano Devoto

2 Outline My main interests Focal species (description, importance) Focal area Climate conditions Climate change scenarios My expertise towards the project What I want to get from this project

3 My interests

4 Focal species: soybean Insect pollination can increase yield by 18-50%

5 Sown surface: 20,000,000 ha Yield 2013/2014: 54,000,000 ton 10% grain world trade (105,000,000 tons) 49% of flour world trade (62,400,000 tons) 48% of oil world trade (8,900,000 tons) Exports represent 5.5% of Argentina's GDP

6 Focal area: Pampean region 535 000 km²

7 Study sites Agro-ecosystem Mosaic of crop fields (soybean, maize, sunflower and lucerne), sown pastures, and semi-natural grasslands used for live stock grazing. Temperate sub-humid (1022 mm/year). Mean monthly temperatures: 7.2 °C in July to 23.8 °C in January. Regional flora includes 25 % of exotic species.

8 Previous, current and future projects in the area 2003-2007 Sunflower pollination 2006-2009 Grassland restoration after agriculture 2008-2011 Impact of agriculture 2012-2015 Linear elements in the landscape 2014-2016 Soybean pollination at population, community and landscape level

9 N-S temperature gradient E-W rainfall gradient

10 Things are likely to get warmer…

11 …and wetter

12 My expertise towards the project Trained as an agriculture engineer Traditional pollination biology Community ecology Ecological networks (theory and practice) Environmental gradients (space and time) Climate change simulations Modeling stuff

13 What I want to get from this project Good science; interesting challenge Long-term international collaboration Synergy between projects Visitors to Argentina A heap of papers

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