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Joint Information Systems Committee The Future of JISC e-Resources Dr Pat Crocker, JISC Head of Services Management Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Information Systems Committee The Future of JISC e-Resources Dr Pat Crocker, JISC Head of Services Management Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Information Systems Committee The Future of JISC e-Resources Dr Pat Crocker, JISC Head of Services Management Group

2 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee This Presentation Background and Context JISC Collections Strategy JISC Financial Strategy for e-Resources The Business Operation

3 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee Background and Context JISC involvement in the acquisition of e-resources since early 1990s Initially bibliographic datasets Now –bibliographic data sets –full text (e-journals, e-books) –maps –images –animation –moving image –sound Initially for HE community Now –HE, FE and Specialist Colleges

4 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee Landmark 1:2500 scale map 1890 Map of postcode area of Birmingham ICC

5 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee Digimap 2005 Map of postcode area of Birmingham ICC

6 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee Census Map Data 1981 % of children aged 0-5 years in lone parent families in Birmingham

7 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee Census Map Data 2001 % of children aged 0-5 years in lone parent families in Birmingham

8 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee Images from the Education Image Gallery showing the motor industry 1939 – 1980 ©Getty Images

9 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee JISC Collections Strategy Mission To negotiate for, and, where appropriate, to license inclusive and quality assured electronic materials that will provide the JISC community with a range of resources to support education and research

10 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee JISC collections strategy Key Components Build a portfolio of e-resources informed by user needs, subject area and format Develop and implement sustainable business models Provide subsidy to support innovation License, in perpetuity, digital archives Develop and implement standard terms and conditions for licensing agreements Work with institutions to promote, embed and support the use of e-resources Collaborate with other relevant agencies

11 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee Building a portfolio of e-resources HERITAGE INNOVATION MATURESPECIALIST

12 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee Definition: Digitised images of rare and inaccessible material such as journal backfiles and books Rationale: Heritage collections allow researchers, teachers and students unlimited access to primary sources only available at a limited number of libraries Example: Early English Books on-line HERITAGE

13 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee EARLY ENGLISH BOOKS ONLINE

14 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee INNOVATION Definition: A resource that enriches the student experience in a new way, or provides for creative teaching or original research. Rationale: Planned subsidy is sometimes required so that the JISC community can try out innovative resources Example: Kar2ouche

15 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee KAR2OUCHE An interactive environment for a range of subject-specific content titles

16 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee SPECIALIST Definition: –Such resources provide high value to those teaching or studying in a particular discipline. The nature of these resources sometimes means that they are expensive at the normal commercial rates. Rationale: –JISC funded negotiations and licensing can ensure that such resources are available to the JISC Community at subscription prices that would not usually be possible. Example: –JSTOR

17 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee JSTOR Comprehensive archive of scholarly journals digitised back to the first issue published through to 5 years from the most current published issue. An extract from the article A Disguised Reminiscence in the First Movement of Mozart's G Minor Symphony by Eric Wen Music Analysis © 1982 Blackwell PublishingBlackwell Publishing

18 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee MATURE Definition: –Well established resources, which may have started as subsidised innovative or specialist resources which now cost recover. Rationale: –The JISC will continue to negotiate for resources that are mature that can cost recover and where the JISCs continued involvement adds value. Example: –NesLi2 –Electronic Journals.

19 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee NESLi2 - Electronic Journals Subscription rates for electronic journals from ten publishers selected by the community on an annual basis for negotiation by JISC

20 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee JISC Collections Strategy Evaluating and prioritising individual e-resources 8 format-based working groups Identify appropriate, accessible and economically viable e-resources. 9 virtual subject groups Provide product evaluation advice. HE and FE institutional representatives Trial negotiated products and indicate likelihood of take up

21 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee General Principles JISC administrative costs fully subsidised Cost of content and delivery recovered by subscription income, with subsidy where appropriate Content licensed from publishers and sublicensed to institutions on an opt-in basis Subscriptions charged to sublicensed institutions Subscription charges banded JISC Financial Strategy for e-resources

22 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee JISC Financial Strategy for e-resources Licence Agreements JISC Model Licence Agreement Normally, 3-5 year fixed term NesLi2 e-journals, 1 year fixed term Digital archives, in perpetuity

23 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee JISC Financial Strategy for e-resources Use of subsidy Capital payments for licences in perpetuity for digital archive content Tapering annual contributions to fixed term subscriptions for innovative or specialist content and delivery Capital or recurrent payments for essential delivery service developments

24 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee JISC Financial Strategy for e-resources Some Examples Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Archive (All articles published by the RSC from 1841 to 1996) - licence in perpetuity Infotrac (Full text coverage of 40 English language newspapers from 1980 to date) - 3 year fixed term licence UK Satellite Image Data Service (Orthorectified satellite images of the UK from 1988 to 2001) - licence in perpetuity Web of Science (Citation indexes for Science, Social Science and Arts and Humanities) - 5 year fixed term licence

25 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee The Business Operation In-House Community Consultations Collections Negotiation and Procurement Collections Contract Management Publisher Payment Management Collections Promotion Out-Sourced Specialist Negotiations e.g. NesLi2 e-journals Sub-licence Management Subscription Invoicing and Collection Web site management Content hosting and serving by data centres Content hosting and serving monitoring

26 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee The Business Operation 2003/4 Subscription Income c. £ 7m Subsidyc. £ 3m Turnoverc. £ 10m Subscription Income Trend Graph

27 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee The Business Operation 2003/4 Number of subscriptions c. 3000 Subscription Number Trend Graph

28 JISC Conference 2005 Joint Information Systems Committee The Business Operation Objectives for 2005-2007 Establish a Content Procurement Company to provide a business framework that will secure the long term sustainability and will provide opportunity for the continued growth of this acquisition activity. To collaborate with other relevant agencies in providing access to collections To take a lead in developing and implementing standard terms and conditions for the licensing of e-resources.

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