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Jamestown and Plymouth Objective: What motivations led Europeans to settle in America? What problems did they have to overcome once they arrived and how.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamestown and Plymouth Objective: What motivations led Europeans to settle in America? What problems did they have to overcome once they arrived and how."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamestown and Plymouth Objective: What motivations led Europeans to settle in America? What problems did they have to overcome once they arrived and how did they overcome their problems?

2 Introduction  Though having failed at establishing a settlement in Roanoke, England continued to try and set up colonies in North America  The first two successful colonies were settled for different reasons and developed different societies  Jamestown: Settled for Money  Plymouth: Settled for Religious Freedom  Both colonies suffered through similar problems but were able to find solutions to continue to survive  Disease and High Death Rates  Starvation  Inexperience

3 The First Colony: Jamestown  First settlers from England come over as part of the Virginia Company  Claimed land for England, profited from settlers  Promised settlers…  Free Land  Adventure  Gold/Great Soil/Money  A Better Life

4 Jamestown: The Problems  Settlers arrive expecting riches but instead find…  No Gold  Disease (Malaria)  Poor land leading to food shortages  Few people who know how to farm/ build/ survive; No leadership  85% of settlers die in the first year

5 Jamestown: The Problems  Native Americans: Powhatan Tribe  See settlers as a nuisance  Attack Jamestown after settlements are built on Powhatan land  350 Jamestown settlers die  Settlers then burn down Powhatan villages  Significance: War causes the English King to take over colony



8 Born into a family of farmers Sailed with the English who raided Spanish ships Served in the English army Read books on warfare and leadership Searched for gold and the nonexistent Anian Strait for England Thought to be a man of compassion and understanding Hugely arrogant and brutal Known to have lots of friends in the Kings court Helped conquer Ireland for the English Served several years in the English army--was taken into slavery but killed his master to escape Had great skill in maritime (sea faring) matters Had contempt of men who could not work and pull their own weight Was a soldier in the English army Studied at Oxford University Served on the King's Privy Council (Advisors to the King/Queen) Traveled throughout Europe and Asia Was knighted by the Queen for service provided to England Is a nobleman (very rich) Was captured by the Turks and escaped Was a principle figure in the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English Had served in Parliament Traded goods with Native American Believed to have killed three men with his own hands Is distantly related to King James I on his father's side



11 Jamestown: The Solutions  Captain John Smith  Made the colony last with his strong leadership  Taught colonists how to survive  Had experience in North America  Every time Smith would leave, the city would begin to crumble

12 Jamestown – the Solutions  John Rolfe  Made the colony profitable by smuggling tobacco to Jamestown  Sale of tobacco to Europeans brings money to the colony, making it profitable  Married Pocahontas to ease tensions with Natives

13  Pilgrims= Puritans  Leave England to escape religious persecution  Head to America aboard the Mayflower  Land in Plymouth Rock Massachusetts (Not English territory)  Significance: Allows the Pilgrims to create their own laws separate from Virginia Virginia Yes!! NO RULES!!! Plymouth is Awesome!! Nobody Likes Us!!!

14  Leader William Bradford and members of the Pilgrims want to create a society based on Puritan beliefs  Mayflower Compact: First self-governing political body in the New World

15  Settlers arrive but find problems such as…  Struggle growing food and starvation  Freezing conditions  Sickness  Lack of Supplies  In all 50% of the Pilgrims die in the first year

16  Solution to problems: Native Americans come to the rescue  Squanto teachers the Pilgrims how to survive  Farming techniques  Interpreter with Native tribes  Pilgrims were also more prepared for New World demands than Jamestown

17  Positive relationships develop between Pilgrims and Natives leading to First Thanksgiving

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