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Common Thesaurus Framework Co-funded by the Community Programme eContentplus ECP-2007-GEO-317007.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Thesaurus Framework Co-funded by the Community Programme eContentplus ECP-2007-GEO-317007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Thesaurus Framework Co-funded by the Community Programme eContentplus ECP-2007-GEO-317007


3 FRAMEWORK REQUIREMENTS  Modularity: new KOS may be added as a new module plugged in the set of thesauri in the NatureSDIplus solution.  Openness: Each KOS should be easily extendable keeping separated the original one.  Interlinking: Interlinking among the terms referring to the same concepts in more then one thesaurus in order to harmonize their usage.  Exploitability: encoding in a standard and flexible format in order to encourage the adoption and its enrichment from third party system

4 DESIGN PRINCIPLES SKOS-Simple Knowledge Organization System to encode the thesaurus content  to model basic structure and content of thesauri according to semantic web\W3C recommendations Linked data best practices  To publish the thesaurus in machine understandable format exploiting existing protocols in the web

5 Web Server http:\\xyz Thesaurus Skos/RDF fragments Machine- understandable form SW Clients Tabulator OpenLinkData SPARQL Thesaurus HTML web Clients Web Server http:\\xxx Web Server http:\\zzz SKOS AND LINKED DATA BEST PRACTICES


7 THESAURUS FRAMEWORK CONTENT RESULT Number of available concepts  The Thesaurus Framework for Nature Conservation includes more than 200,000 concepts Thesaurus language  All thesauri are in English except for Species in Latin  Official languages of other EU countries has been considered according with the availability translation of the existing thesauri Interlinks have been generated  Habitats to Species and vice versa;  EARTh to Bio-geographical regions and vice versa;  EARTh to GEMET;  Species to official linked data dataset available at the EUNIS/EEA web site.


9 REFERENCES De Martino M., Albertoni R., A multilingual/multicultural semantic-based approach to improve Data Sharing in a SDI for Nature Conservation, International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, Vol.6, ISSN 1725- 0463, pp. 206-233, (2011), [pdf][pdf] Albertoni R., De Martino M., Semantic Similarity Assessment to Browse Resources exposed as Linked Data: an Application to Habitat and Species Datasets, abstract and presentation at INSPIRE conference 2011, 27 June 2011 – 1 July 2011. De Martino M., Albertoni R., A multilingual/multicultural semantic-based approach to improve Data Sharing in a SDI, abstract and presentation at INSPIRE conference 2010, 22-25 June 2010.

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