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E THICS P RESENTATION. A CCESSIBILITY The ability of physically disabled people to use the computer.

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2 A CCESSIBILITY The ability of physically disabled people to use the computer.

3 AUP A CCEPTABLE U SE P OLICY Acceptable use policy or the rules for the use of a business’ resources.

4 C ODE OF C ONDUCT Rules of personal behavior. Also called ethics.

5 C OOKIES Small software programs that track your movements on the Internet and store personal information about you.

6 C OPYRIGHT L AWS Laws that give the creator of intellectual property rights to use his or her own creations.

7 D IGITAL M ILLENNIUM C OPYRIGHT A CT Law preventing people and businesses from sharing someone else’s intellectual property over the Internet.

8 E RGONOMICS The study of the work area and its effects on the body.

9 E THICS Rules of personal behavior. Also called Code of Conduct.

10 F AIR U SE A CT Law allowing a small amount of someone’s intellectual property to be used.

11 F REEWARE Software that is free for anyone to use.

12 H ACKING Using the computer to break into someone else’s computer.

13 I DENTITY T HEFT Taking and using someone’s personal identity for gain (personal profit).

14 O PEN S OURCE Code that is shared with others who are allowed to build software based on this code.

15 P IRACY Stealing other’s work by copying it and giving it away or selling it.

16 P UBLIC D OMAIN The copyright owner has been dead for 70+ years so his or her work is now available for use by the public.

17 S HAREWARE Software that can be used for a limited time. Once the trial period is over, the user must pay to keep using the software.

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