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1 Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea in Economia e Gestione Aziendale Corso di Laurea in Economia e Finanza Lingua Inglese Luisanna Fodde Olga Denti.

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2 1 Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea in Economia e Gestione Aziendale Corso di Laurea in Economia e Finanza Lingua Inglese Luisanna Fodde Olga Denti a.a. 2010/2011

3 MARKETS English words connected with MARKETS


5 Electronic Markets (Reading Comprehension) Going, going, gone? (p. 95) PARA I: -“the people are in charge” means … PARA II: - What expression refers to the passing of information by verbal means in an informal, person-to- person manner? PARA III: -What words in the text mean: revealed, uncovered; assortment, domain; progress, removal of a barrier? “buyers” (I); “sellers” (I); “user” (IV): Morphological structures: NOUNS FROM VERBS

6 Electronic Markets (Reading Comprehension) Going, going, gone? (p. 95) PARA IV -What is a possible synonym for “headquarters”; and a possible one for “respond” and for “negotiate”? PARA V -What does “To gross” mean? make or earn a total of B. to fatten, to put on weight PARA VI - What is the opposite of: “latest”; “new”; “dangerous”; “fast”; “grand”; “growing”. Can you give a synonym for “rival”?

7 6 Complete the article on page 96 with the following words: trading auction characteristics business inventory clients rate retailer Match the two halves to make compound nouns (p. 96)


9 8

10 9

11 Phonetics k ə 'm ɒ d ə t ɪ n ɪ ‚g ə ʊʃɪ 'e ɪʃ n ɪ ks't ʃ e ɪ nd ʒ s ə 'pla ɪ d ɪ 'm ɑː nd ɪ 'k ɒ n ə m ɪ ' ɔː k ʃ nde ɪ nd ʒ r ə s k ə ‚mju ː n ɪ 'ke ɪʃ n'b ɪ zn ɪ s Tre ɪ d' ɑ pt ɪ ma ɪ z /' ɒ p- R ɪ ə l ɪ 'ste ɪ tgl ɪ t ʃ 10

12 11 Language Write the words in brackets in the gerund or infinitive form.  1I’d like to apologize for ____________ (arrive) late.  2___________ (trade) on the stock market closed at a record high today.  3Would you like ___________ (play) golf this afternoon?  4I don’t enjoy _____________ (work) at weekends.  5Inflation is making it more difficult __________ (keep) costs down.  6They really wanted ___________ (get) that project.  7By _____________ (appraise) each other, our staff work as a team.

13 12 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. Language Write the words in brackets in the gerund or infinitive form.  1I’d like to apologize for ARRIVING (arrive) late.  2TRADING (trade) on the stock market closed at a record high today.  3Would you like TO PLAY (play) golf this afternoon?  4I don’t enjoy WORKING (work) at weekends.  5Inflation is making it more difficult TO KEEP (keep) costs down.  6They really wanted TO GET (get) that project.  7By APPRAISING (appraise) each other, our staff work as a team.

14 13  8We’ve recruited an extra ten staff ___________ (make) sure it’s finished on time.  9She’s just finished ____________ (do) her Masters in Business Administration.  10The company aims ___________ (launch) its new range by March of next year.  11It’s five in the morning in the USA. There’s no point ___________ (phone) him now.  12Can you ask him ___________ (call) me back?

15 14  8We’ve recruited an extra ten staff TO MAKE (make) sure it’s finished on time.  9She’s just finished DOING (do) her Masters in Business Administration.  10The company aims TO LAUNCH (launch) its new range by March of next year.  11It’s five in the morning in the USA. There’s no point PHONING (phone) him now.  12Can you ask him TO CALL (call) me back?

16 15 Vocabulary. Write the nine items below with the types of markets cleaner / the unemployed / offices / coffee / gold / toothpaste / people / shares / apartments  13commodities market: __________, ___________  14real estate: __________, ___________  15stock market: stocks, _________  16consumer goods: __________, ___________  17labour market: __________, ___________

17 16 Vocabulary. Write the nine items below with the types of markets cleaner / the unemployed / offices / coffee / gold / toothpaste / people / shares / apartments  13commodities market: COFFEE, GOLD  14real estate: OFFICES, APARTMENTS  15stock market: stocks, SHARES  16consumer goods: CLEANER, TOOTHPASTE  17labour market: THE UNEMPLOYED, PEOPLE

18 17 3 Write the missing vowels in the compound nouns.  18eBay is an _ _ct_ _n s_t_ now worth a fortune.  19Let’s carry out some m_rk_t r_s_ _rch to see what people think.  20I think _nl_n_b_s_n_ss is the future for buying and selling.  21Our website needs a d_sc_ss_ _n b_ _rd to get customer feedback.  22It’s a good idea for any new retailer to write a m_rch_nd_s_ng pl_n.

19 18 3 Write the missing vowels in the compound nouns.  18eBay is an AUctIOn sItE now worth a fortune.  19Let’s carry out some mArkEt rEsE Arch to see what people think.  20I think OnlInE bUsInEss is the future for buying and selling.  21Our website needs a dIscUssIOn bO Ard to get customer feedback.  22It’s a good idea for any new retailer to write a mErchAndIsIng plAn.

20 19 Useful phrases 4 Write phrases a-h in the conversation below.  aI think  bHow about  cI don’t know  dWould you be interested?  eWhy don’t you  fLet’s  gI’m afraid  hThat’s fine.

21 20  A:We’re doing some special offers on printers this month. (23) _______________  B:I might be. (24) _____________ we discuss the price first?  A:Well we normally sell them at $80, but (25) __________ we can begin by giving you ten per cent discount on anything.  B:(26) ___________ say I wanted twenty. Would there be any more discount?  A:(27) ___________ about that.  (28) ___________ we don’t normally give extra discount. I’d have to check with my boss.  B:(29) ___________ do that now and call me back?  A:OK. (30) ___________. I’ll call you back in five minutes. 23 d / 24 b / 25 a / 26 f / 27 c / 28 g / 29 e /30 h

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