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Cyberbullying. The use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group,

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Presentation on theme: "Cyberbullying. The use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyberbullying

2 The use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, which is intended to harm others.

3 Cyberbullying is using technology to bully others repeatedly. It is using email, cell phones, social networking sites, IMs, text messages, blogs, or other personal technology to hurt people.

4 The 4Rs of cyberbullying Recognize Refuse Report Record

5 Current status Varied court decisions Two major cases courts consider  Tinker v. Des Moines disruption within the learning environment  Bethel School District v. Fraser lewd, vulgar, profane

6 Layshock v. Hermitage School District Off-campus Myspace Created profile of principal Some students saw on school computers What do you think the outcome was?

7 Snyder vs. Blue Mountain School District Off campus Myspace Profile of principal depicting as a pedophile and sex addict Site blocked on school computers What do you think the outcome was?

8 Kick a Ginger Day International A.E. Wright Middle School, Calabass, CA (2009) South Park distortion Intimidated children with red hair What do you think the outcome was?

9 Unofficial Kentlake High Home Page Class assignment Write own obituary Created website where people could vote on whose bogus obituary would be posted next Included disclaimer Outcome?

10 Proposing policy Is the cyberbullying occurring on campus or off campus? Does ownership of the electronic device affect who can be held culpable? Can school personnel seize electronic devices thought to be used in cases of cyberbullying? Does the exchange of information affect the school environment and interfere with learning? Is the subject matter of the communication considered lewd or vulgar to the typical person?

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