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Presentation on theme: "REWARD SYSTEMS & ATTITUDINAL OUTCOMES PHED 1027 Week #9 March 11 & 13."— Presentation transcript:


2 Remaining Schedule March 11 & 13 – Rewards, Satisfaction, Commitment March 18 th – QUIZ #2 March 20 th – special guest; NUPHES elections March 25 th – Risk Management March 27 th – Leadership Activities (gymnasium) April 1 st & 3 rd – Leadership & course evaluation (gym)

3 Multidimensional Model of Leadership: (Chelladurai, 1990) Situational Characteristics Leader Characteristics Member Characteristics Required Actual Preferred Performance Satisfaction AntecedentsLeader Behaviour Consequences

4 Transformational Leaders & the Multidimensional Model Transformational leaders believe they can alter – Situational characteristics (goals & strategies) – Member characteristics (beliefs & attitudes) How do they do it? – VISION Attainable Abilities BELIEVE = ACHIEVE

5 Tranformational Leaders EMPOWER others..... (Arnold et al., 2000) DIMENSIONDESCRIPTION Leading by exampleSetting high standards for own behaviour, working hard to maintain those standards, setting an example if good behaviour Participative decision makingEncouraging and listening to group’s ideas and suggestions and giving members a chance to voice their concerns CoachingProviding help to members to improve performance, encouraging members to share ideas and to work together, supporting group members InformingExplaining goals, policies, rules, decisions, and how the group fits into the organization Showing concern & interacting with the team Caring about members’ personal problems and their well-being, treating members as equals and getting along with members

6 Decision-making Participative vs. Autocratic – What’s the difference????? What are the advantages & disadvantages of each?

7 Participative Decision-making Advantages – Ownership – Execution – Rationality – Understanding/Acceptance Disadvantages – Time consuming – Affected by cliques

8 Autocratic Decision-making Advantages – Time – Cliques Disadvantages – Understanding – Acceptance

9 When is it appropriate to include the members/clients/subordinates? Commitment Time Information – leader vs. members Complexity Conflict Development The ATTRIBUTES of the problem dictate the decision style

10 For Example: 1.You are the coach of a badminton team. You have to decide upon a new team racquet on a limited budget. How would you go about making this decision? a)Varsity badminton team b)Elementary School team 2.You are in charge of a group of volunteers organizing a sports event. You have to assign volunteers to different tasks.

11 REWARDS Purposes: – Recruitment – Retention – Attendance – Motivation – Skill Development – Ownership – Structure

12 TYPES OF REWARDS Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic rewards – Which are most important to leaders? Financial vs. Non-financial Performance-based vs. Membership-based Career vs. Social

13 Bases of rewards Job Skill Seniority Performance Mix How do teachers use rewards to enhance student learning?

14 CHOICE? Rewards distributed based on member preferences may enhance motivation and job performance – Cafeteria-style benefits – Lump-sum payments

15 OUTCOMES Productivity outcomes: – $$$ – Efficiency – Growth – New products Attitudinal outcomes: – Satisfaction – Commitment

16 Satisfaction Paid Job Satisfaction – work, pay, promotions, supervision, people Volunteer Satisfaction – work, achievement, convenience, supervision, people, recognition Participant Satisfaction - services, leisure, athlete, coach

17 Participant Satisfaction Satisfaction with services – What do consumers of sport services want? Reliability, tangibles, responsiveness, assurance, empathy Leisure Satisfaction – What do leisure participants want? Psychological, educational, social, relaxational, physiological, environmental

18 Participant Satisfaction Athlete Satisfaction – What do athletes want? Performance, improvement, leadership, social, support Coach Satisfaction – What do coaches want? Autonomy, facilities, pay, performance, administration, colleagues, job security, academic progress of athletes

19 So What? The usefulness of describing satisfaction is important to leaders only if it can be measured reliably and validly Many satisfaction measures are available These measures can provide critical feedback to leaders so that they can identify problems, choose solutions, and evaluate changes

20 Organizational Commitment Affective commitment Continuance commitment Normative commitment How do YOU as a leader develop commitment among your volunteers/members/clients?

21 REVIEW FOR QUIZ #2 Abilities – Chapter 4 Personality – Chapter 5 Values – Chapter 6 Motivation – Chapter 7 Organizational Justice – Chapter 8 Leadership – Chapter 11 Rewards, Satisfaction & Commitment – 13, 15, 16

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