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Social Issues in Computing EthicsHealthInternet and Research PrivacySocial Issues 50 40 30 20 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Issues in Computing EthicsHealthInternet and Research PrivacySocial Issues 50 40 30 20 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Issues in Computing EthicsHealthInternet and Research PrivacySocial Issues 50 40 30 20 10

2 50 Points A Click on the link and view the comic. What is the “moral” of the comic. Go back

3 50 Points A The correct “moral” from this tale is that the victimized girl should immediately tell a trusted adult about her problem. Go back

4 40 Points A Click on the link and view the comic. What is exaggerated in this comic? Go backGo back

5 40 Points A The police would not actually be called and the person who wrote the mean emails would not actually go to jail. Go back Go back

6 30 Points A If someone violates a copyright (for instance by downloading a pirated movie), what potentially could happen to them? Go back

7 30 Points A The person is guilty of a copyright infringement potentially receive a fine. Go back Go back

8 20 Points A Making unfounded rumours about someone else is called ________. Go back

9 20 Points A defamation Go back Go back

10 10 Points A Why is an “anonymous posting” on the Internet a problem? Go back

11 10 Points A People sometimes do not want to be accountable to others about what they say or do online. They sometime take advantage or hurt others because they do not use their real name. Go back Go back

12 50 Points B Is our computer lab (room 220) ergonomically correct? Go back

13 50 Points B Not for prolonged computer use. Go back

14 40 Points B Are you sitting straight right now? Can this affect your health? Go back

15 40 Points B If the answer is yes – then good for you! Your health is maintained when you have good blood flow and when you do not strain yourself over a long period of time. If you and your team all have good posture then you get the 40 points. Go back

16 30 Points B Go back

17 30 Points B C – Your monitor should be 2 – 3 inches above eye level when you are seated. Go back

18 20 Points B You can get a permanent wrist injury from improper ergonomics. True or False? Go back Go back

19 20 Points B True. It is called carpal tunnel syndrome, and some people have to have surgery to fix it. Go back

20 10 Points B You can get a stomach ache from improper ergonomics. True or False Go back Go back

21 10 Points B False. You can easily get back problems from slouching for long periods, but not stomach ache. Go back Go back

22 50 Points C How do you know the is fake?. Go back

23 50 Points C When you go to the “cookies” link it shows the website of the makers of the website. Also, it is too good to be true. Go back Go back

24 40 Points C There are only two main Internet providers in Canada. (True or False) Go back

25 40 Points C True. All the smaller providers piggyback on these users. Go back Go back

26 30 Points C Download speed Mbps stands for _________. Ms Burnham’s wireless network speed is approximately 175 Mbps. Go back

27 30 Points C Mega bits per second. Go back

28 20 Points C Why is this funny? Go back

29 20 Points Because no Internet existed during the time of Abraham Lincoln. Go back

30 10 Points C According to our Wiki, which browser is the least popular with informed users? Go back

31 10 Points C Internet Explorer Go back

32 50 Points D DdoS attacks use computer viruses. True or False? Go back

33 50 Points D FALSE. DDoS attacks do NOT use viruses. Instead, they overwhelm the server with information requests. Go back Go back

34 40 Points D A biometric scan could involve your eye or finger. True or False? Go back

35 40 Points D True. Biometric scans are used for security systems. Digital fingerprinting and retinal scans can be used. Go back

36 30 Points D Have one good password, at least 7 characters, using punctuation, numbers and capitals. True or False? Go back

37 30 Points D False. Although it is good to use punctuation, numbers, upper and lowercase, in a fairly long password, you should vary your password from site to site. Go back

38 20 Points D Social Networking is too dangerous to use. Go back

39 20 Points D False. All social networking sites need to be managed, but the knowledgeable user can be safe online. Go back Go back

40 10 Points D Once you have set your privacy settings on facebook, you never have to think about it again. True/False Go back

41 10 Points D False – Facebook has often updated their pages and sometimes this changes your default privacy settings. Go back

42 50 Points E Consider this statement: “Increased computer use has increased paper use.” True or False Go back

43 50 Points E True consumption-and-waste-continues-to-increase/ 2125107/Global-consumption-paper-increased- half-1980.html consumption-and-waste-continues-to-increase/ 2125107/Global-consumption-paper-increased- half-1980.html Go back

44 40 Points E Can your computer monitor be a health hazzard? Yes/No. Go back

45 40 Points E Yes. Computer monitors, are a serious concern because of the high quantity and toxicity of such products. In addition to lead, electronic waste can contain toxic substances including brominated flame retardants, cadmium, lithium, mercury, phosphorous coating and PVC plastics that create toxins when burned. Go back

46 30 Points E Technology can be used to “speak” for a person who cannot speak for themselves. Give a famous example. Go back

47 30 Points E Stephen Hawking, a famous physicist, uses and voice synthesizer and a computer to simulate speech. Go back

48 20 Points E Addiction to using the computer is a myth. True or False Go back

49 20 Points E False. According to our wiki, people can be as addicted to using a computer as they can be addicted to any other activity or substance. In some severe cases, professional help is recommended. Go back

50 10 Points E Treat people as you would have them treat _____. Go back

51 10 Points E YOU! The golden rule applies when using computers too! Go back Go back

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