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Basketball!! University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611

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2 Basketball!! University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611

3 Albert. GRR Alberta.

4 * The University of Florida (UF) is a major, public, comprehensive, land-grant, research university. The state’s oldest and most comprehensive university, UF is among the nation’s most academically diverse public universities.oldest * 1853-1905 » University of Florida’s BeginningsUniversity of Florida’s Beginnings * On January 6, 1853, Florida Governor Thomas Brown signs the bill that provided public support to higher education. East Florida Seminary in Ocala is one of the first schools to use this funding, but it soon closes due the Civil War. In 1866, EFS reopens in Gainesville, beginning a 150-year journey to become one of the largest, most prestigious schools in the world.

5 UF has more than $750 million in new research facilities recently completed or under construction, including the Nanoscale Research Facility, the Emerging Pathogens Institute, the Biomedical Sciences Building and the Clinical and Translational Research Building. UF received more than $619 million in research awards in 2010-11. UF is a national leader in alternative energy research, with strong programs in ethanol production, and nuclear and solar energy.

6 * Billy Donovan 23 wins 10 loses Head Coach * 70% 23/33 (Fraction)

7 * James Naismith invented the game of basketball in 1891 in Springfield, Mass. * In 1891, the first game of basketball was played at what is now Springfield College. * Basketball season begins in the late autumn, typically the early part of October.

8 * Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations * The Office of University Relations provides the campus with a variety of creative services including advertising, graphic design, strategic marketing planning and public relations. University Relations also manages the university’s branding campaign and identity program.Office of University Relations * Business, Goods & Shopping * UF Bookstore locations include the UF Bookstore & Welcome Center facility next to the Reitz Union, the law school, Health Science Center and veterinary medicine. Official UF merchandise can also be purchased through the Gator Sportshop. Purchasing employees help UF departments acquire material goods and services in accordance with the university’s policies. UF BookstoreGator SportshopPurchasing * Next Slide For More.

9 * Computing & Communications * The Information Technology (UFIT) provides direction and strategic planning in information delivery and computing standards, resources, and management. UFIT units include Academic Technology, UF Computing and Network Services, Web Administration and Data Infrastructure.Information TechnologyAcademic TechnologyUF Computing and Network ServicesWeb AdministrationData Infrastructure * Health & Safety * Student Health Care Center maintains information relating to communicable disease and health and safety issues for students, faculty and staff. The SHCC is responsible for the influenza campaign on campus. Student Health Care Centerinfluenza campaign * Healthy Gators 2010 is a coalition of faculty, staff and students dedicated to creating a campus environment supportive of health for all members of the UF community. Healthy Gators 2010 * UF Police Department, an integral part of UF’s dedication to maintaining a safe and secure campus, provides law enforcement, crime prevention, victim advocacy and game day security. Environmental Health and Safety handles inquiries related to biological safety, the UF Disaster Preparation Plan and the handling of suspicious mail. UF Police DepartmentEnvironmental Health and Safety biological safetyUF Disaster Preparation Planthe handling of suspicious mail * The University of Florida Health Science Center (HSC) is closely affiliated with Shands HealthCare, part of the University of Florida Health System. Eight hospitals participate in this sytem including the academic hospitals Shands at UF with 630 beds in Gainesville and Shands Jacksonville with 696 beds in Jacksonville, Florida. Together with clinical programs and services across all HSC colleges, the UF&Shands partnership is dedicated to providing quality healthcare to the citizens of Florida and to advancing the practice of patient care.Health Science Center Shands HealthCareUniversity of Florida Health SystemShands Jacksonvilleclinical programs and servicesHSC colleges

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