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Teaching & Inquiry I: Fundamentals of Teaching Through Inquiry Todd Twyman 11/20(22)

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching & Inquiry I: Fundamentals of Teaching Through Inquiry Todd Twyman 11/20(22)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching & Inquiry I: Fundamentals of Teaching Through Inquiry Todd Twyman 11/20(22)

2 Qualitative Data Analysis Practice Goal: Practice Techniques for Coding Qualitative Data Method: 1. Interview (5 minutes each) 2 people in the class about their reasons for going into education as a profession. Take legible notes! 2. All notes go in a pile to be distributed for analysis. 3. Analysis activity.

3 Interviewing Things to Remember: Write a list of questions to start you off. Write a list of questions to start you off. Add follow-up questions to gain greater depth. Add follow-up questions to gain greater depth. “Tell me about…” “Tell me about…” “Help me understand…” “Help me understand…” AVOID ‘shut-down’ questions: AVOID ‘shut-down’ questions: “Why did you…” “Why did you…” Yes/No questions Yes/No questions

4 Write Questions Take 5 minutes to jot down some questions that you believe will address the research question: What have you learned about yourself and others in your Critical Perspectives Class vis a vis becoming a teacher or teaching? Take 5 minutes to jot down some questions that you believe will address the research question: What have you learned about yourself and others in your Critical Perspectives Class vis a vis becoming a teacher or teaching? Remember: you may need to guide people gently down the path of in-depth responses! Remember: you may need to guide people gently down the path of in-depth responses!

5 Taking Interview Notes Paraphrase BUT check to be sure you got it right! Paraphrase BUT check to be sure you got it right! Something especially eloquent/telling? Write it down verbatim! Something especially eloquent/telling? Write it down verbatim! Don’t be afraid to [respectfully] ask for greater depth of explanations. Don’t be afraid to [respectfully] ask for greater depth of explanations. Use your own personal shorthand, but be consistent with it. Use your own personal shorthand, but be consistent with it. 5 minutes per interview

6 As you code Things to Remember: Read Read Re-read, writing down themes Re-read, writing down themes Cluster themes Cluster themes Display graphically Display graphically Re-read Re-read Revise graphic as needed Revise graphic as needed Select key quotations Select key quotations

7 Analysis Activity: Part I Individual Coding Read and code at least 4 interview transcripts. Read and code at least 4 interview transcripts. Look for themes that emerge. Look for themes that emerge. Be prepared to share… Be prepared to share… 15 minutes

8 Analysis Activity: Part II Group Coding Meet in groups of 4 - 5 to share your findings. Meet in groups of 4 - 5 to share your findings. Represent the group findings graphically. Represent the group findings graphically. Be prepared to share. Be prepared to share. (15 minutes) (15 minutes) 15 minutes

9 Debrief Analysis Activity Share your findings. Any surprises? Any surprises? Did any potential misunderstandings creep in? Did any potential misunderstandings creep in? What good interview techniques were demonstrated? What good interview techniques were demonstrated? What was the hardest part of the coding activity? What was the hardest part of the coding activity?

10 Qualitative Data Analysis Your turn Making meaning out of text. Making meaning out of text. Sort of like analyzing poetry… Sort of like analyzing poetry… Look for themes that recur Look for themes that recur Pay attention to subtle nuances Pay attention to subtle nuances Search for contradictions Search for contradictions Grab onto particularly insightful quotations; they give your research life. Grab onto particularly insightful quotations; they give your research life.

11 Coding Qualitative Data Things to Remember: Read through the entire manuscript / transcript. Read through the entire manuscript / transcript. Go back through, making note of ideas that seem particularly important. Go back through, making note of ideas that seem particularly important. Group the ideas/themes in a format that makes the relationships between them visible. Group the ideas/themes in a format that makes the relationships between them visible. Display the relationships graphically. Display the relationships graphically.

12 Coding Qualitative Data Read through the entire manuscript / transcript once more. Read through the entire manuscript / transcript once more. Revise your graphic as needed. Revise your graphic as needed. Write a ‘codebook’ that details the themes you used to cluster your data. Write a ‘codebook’ that details the themes you used to cluster your data.

13 Personal Journal Analysis This is the analysis part of your analytic paper for Critical Perspectives. These results should help you put that together. This is the analysis part of your analytic paper for Critical Perspectives. These results should help you put that together. Remember, the codes/themes we came up with today was an attempt to engage you in the analytic process. Your codes/themes may be different. Remember, the codes/themes we came up with today was an attempt to engage you in the analytic process. Your codes/themes may be different. You can conduct your analysis here or somewhere else that is more comfortable. You can conduct your analysis here or somewhere else that is more comfortable. Good luck! I’m always here to support you. Good luck! I’m always here to support you.

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