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Back to School Night Mr. Hogan’s Fourth Grade Class Room 404 1.

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2 Back to School Night Mr. Hogan’s Fourth Grade Class Room 404 1

3 Information about me 2  Undergraduate degree- Sonoma State University  Credential-CSU, San Marcos  This is my ninth year teaching fourth grade in the San Marcos Unified School District. I have also part time taught in Carlsbad and substitute taught throughout various districts.  I am married and have two children, a 4 year old boy named Donovan and a 2 year old girl named Keira. My hobbies include: surfing, snowboarding, most outdoor activities, and music (playing and listening).

4 Class Schedule (M,T,Th,F) 3 8:45-9:00 Morning routine 9:00-10:50 ELA/Social Studies and Science 10:50-11:10 Recess 11:10-12:30 Mathematics 12:30-1:15 Lunch 1:05-3:10 ELA/Social Studies and Science 3:10 Dismissal (2:10 dismissal on Wed.)

5 Rules/Procedures 4 Big Five  Is your behavior safe?  Is your behavior respectful?  Is your behavior honest?  Is your language appropriate?  Are you living the Eagle Way? If you answer no to one or more of these questions, the behavior is not allowed at San Elijo School. Remember: “I am responsible for myself.”

6 Rules/Procedures cont. 5 Classroom Rules  Be respectful  Always be ready  Use appropriate language  Be responsible  Have fun! Consequences  Warning  Lose Eagle Cash  Lose Eagle Cash/Note Home/Loss of 5 min. or more of Recess  Lose Eagle Cash/Loss of Recess/Call and note home  Lose Eagle Cash/Loss of Recess/Call home/Referral  The teacher always has the right to jump straight to #5 if behavior is deemed severe.

7 Rewards 6  Praise  Class Dojo!/teach/520c0bb1cf6a98b42e0003f8/classview!/teach/520c0bb1cf6a98b42e0003f8/classview  Class marble jar  Eagle Cash that can be redeemed for prizes from our treasure box  School recognition (Student of the Month, Mathematician of the month )  Eagle Way passes

8 Curriculum & Instruction 7  All curriculum is aligned to the Common Core Standards  We will be using supplementary materials such as various leveled novels, Scholastic Storyworks,, and other various websites to enhance the core curriculum.  Students are pre-assessed before each unit to make sure their instruction is at the appropriate level. A variety of instructional strategies are used including whole group, small group, and independent work to maximize the learning process for your child.

9 Report Card and Progress Reports  2015 will be the start of a two semester school year.  February and June Report Cards  We will still meet in November to discuss student progress and goals.  Remember, 2s are okay until the final report card.  The goal is for all students to have 3s in each academic area on the second semester report card. 8

10 BYOD  Our class has been selected as a BYOD pilot.  Students will be allowed to bring in their personal devices for use in the classroom.  Many classroom assignments will ask students to use devices in order to accomplish tasks.  Students must log on to the school’s WIFI and turn off 3G/4G.  Students are not required to bring in a device. 9

11 BYOD (cont.)  A Student Electronic Device Use Request form must be completed and returned in order to bring devices into class.  Neither the teacher, school, or district are responsible for last/stolen/damaged devices.  I will not be able to physically assist students with their devices. 10

12 Field Trips  This year, will be going on 3 field trips: 1. GIA 2. Mission (Either San Luis Rey or San Juan Cap.) 3. Biztown All 3 of these field trips are amazing, but Biztown will really require the most effort of all of our 4 th grade parents. It is an amazing opportunity for our students. 11

13 Homework 12  Homework is an effort grade.  Language arts and math homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday evenings on a daily basis. If your child says he/she has finished the homework at school, ask to see the assignment(s). Even though your child may be given time to start the homework in class, it is highly unlikely the homework was completed with accuracy if it was finished at school.  Please help edit and sign your child’s reading log and planner each night. I consistently check students’ planners and collect reading logs on Fridays. Students’ homework grade will be reduced if planner/reading log is unsigned.

14 Homework (cont.) 13  On average, you child should spend approximately forty five minutes a night on homework. If your child has spent about 45 minutes on homework, and is still not complete, simply initial the homework indicating that your child has completed the necessary time to be considered complete.  Because I realize there may be extenuating circumstances, your child must either have his completed homework or a note from you explaining the situation (handwritten or email contact before 8:00 am).  Baseball Strikes

15 Absences 14  Please remember to call the attendance office when your child is absent.  If your child will be missing more than just a day or two, make arrangements for someone to pick up his/her homework so that your child does not get too far behind with his/her studies.  When your child returns to school, he/she will have two days to complete any missing work.

16 Optional Supply List  There are some optional supplies I think would be beneficial for your child to have in the classroom. One important supply is a three ring binder with 5 dividers. Sections/dividers will be separated as follows:  Homework  Language Arts  Writing  Social Studies  Science  - personal white board  -2.5-3” Three-ring binder with 5 dividers  -Lined paper (wide ruled)  -pencil box (it needs to fit inside desk)  -pencils  -eraser  -12 count colored pencils  -1 highlighter  -1 pair kid-friendly scissors  -2 glue sticks  -1 pencil sharpener with lid 15

17 16 Bound Books  Bound Books-This year we will be making a bound book. Each child will receive their own hardcover book with all the work they have completed during this school year (including photos, awards, etc). The cost of the book is $17 per child.

18 Recycling  We will be recycling water bottles throughout the year to help offset the following cost:  students who aren’t financially able to purchase their book. This is an amazing keepsake that I know your family will treasure in the years to come.  Printing photos for the Bound Books  Class treasure box  Class parties  If you would like to take on the role of “Class Recycler” please sign up after this presentation. 17

19 Opportunities to Get Involved 18  Classroom Volunteers- If you would like to volunteer please fill out the worksheets on the back table.  The volunteer positions include:  Room Parent(s)  Art Docents  Class Photographer/Bound Book Photos  Class Recycler  Basket Coordinator  Soaring Through Math Grader

20 Contacting Me 19  I have an “open door” policy; you are always welcome to come in the classroom and visit. Just call me or email me to let me know when you’d like to come!  I welcome your comments, concerns and suggestions. We are working together to make sure your child gets a quality education!  I check phone messages and emails at the end of the day. If you have an emergency, please speak with someone in the office, and they will contact me. Phone: 290-2600 x 3404 Email:

21 Any ?’s 20  I will take any questions you may have.  If you would like to ask specific questions about your child please make an appointment with me.  Thanks for coming tonight.

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