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Welcome to Back to School Night Math & Science Ms. Diana.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night Math & Science Ms. Diana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night Math & Science Ms. Diana

2 Introducing Myself 6 th year working @ Portola MS! Master’s in Education from University of Phoenix Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration from University of Southern California

3 Progress Reports Portola hands out progress reports every 5 weeks (5, 10, 15, and 20 week) 5 and 15 hand-carried by your child 10 and 20 mailed directly home I email progress reports around the same time as the 5, 10, 15, & 20 week progress reports If you do not have an email and your child is struggling, I will print one out and it is due back the next day signed by you.

4 Agenda Book The agenda book is where the student writes down the classwork & homework everyday. The agenda must be checked for completion of HW daily. After you have checked the agenda book, please sign your name @ the bottom DAILY. There will be weekly agenda checks on Monday’s during HR. I will sign it when I check it and look for your daily signatures.

5 Classroom Website It lists the agenda everyday. It shows extra credit (if any), upcoming tests & quizzes, homework, and classwork. You will be able to download PowerPoint's and some Science worksheets.

6 Grading Website You can access your child’s grades any time from anywhere that has Internet. Usernames and passwords have already been sent home! Set-up how often you want Jupiter Grades to email you about your child’s grade. Absent / Late Work can take me up to 1 week to enter into Jupiter Grades (please be patient).

7 Extra Math Help Online Click Middle School Math, select CA as Your Location, and click GO! Title of Book is: California Math, Course 1 ©2008

8 Khan Academy A personalized learning dashboard that empowers students Offers practice exercises and instructional videos ALL subjects are tackled Students will be required to complete a certain number of hours per month. Instructions will be sent home soon!

9 Earth Science Textbook Now available ONLINE! Go to Username: rstar10 Password: v4v6s 6 th Grade Holt Earth Science (orange textbook)

10 Math/Science Standards Want to know what your son/daughter will be learning in Math/Science this year? I teach to the 6 th grade Common Core Mathematics Standards. The website is: I teach to the 6 th grade Next Generation Science Standards. The website is:

11 Earth Science Topics Plate tectonics EarthquakesVolcanoesErosion Rivers & Groundwater Earth’s Resources – material & energy resourced Ecology – biomes & living things Oceans & Atmosphere

12 Math Topics FractionsDecimalsIntegers Expressions & Equations InequalitiesPercents Ratios & Proportions Analyzing Data MeasurementGeometryAreaVolume

13 HoPE Fund The HoPE Fund is Portola’s Annual Giving Fund. It stands for Help Portola Excel! The money is used for: Classes including computers, drama, music, audio visual, art, foreign language, English, Math, Science, & History Field trip busses for all grades and classes Jupiter Grades for all grades and classes Your donation is 100% tax deductible. Public schools are free – GREAT public schools are not.

14 How to contact me? The best way to reach me is my email. (818) 654-3300

15 Thank You for Coming to Back to School Night

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