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Journals September 8 th to 11 th Mrs. Camarano’s Classes.

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1 Journals September 8 th to 11 th Mrs. Camarano’s Classes

2 9/8/15 Which would you rather receive: The Nobel Peace Prize, an Academy Award, or the title of the Most Valuable Player in the Super Bowl? Explain.

3 9/9/15 Imagine that you have been selected to choose your new school mascot. What would you choose? Explain why this is a good choice for your school. Draw a picture, if you’d like.

4 9/10/15 September is Library Sign-Up. Create a top ten list of reasons to get a library card.

5 9/11/15 September 11th is a Day of Remembrance. As we honor those who lost their lives on this day 2001, write a paragraph, telling about everything in your life that you are thankful for.

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