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Survey of American Literature I from the beginning to 1870 DR. ETTA MADDEN.

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2 Survey of American Literature I from the beginning to 1870 DR. ETTA MADDEN

3 Questions? Syllabus? Responses? Abstracts?

4 Introductions Major? Minor? Lit courses? Writing courses? Why this course? Desire to accomplish? Pretest results?

5 Summary Class composition Pretest results Facts vs. Ideas Why American literature?

6 Literature Beautifully or interestingly written material Contains universal truth Elevates understanding of human condition

7 Literature Is reflection of culture Contributes to creation of culture Culture: –Ways of being, co-existing, understanding life

8 Beginnings: Beliefs and Texts Genesis & Exodus The Geneva Bible (1560) Creation & Emergence Accounts: ◦ How does its visual appearance make you feel? Why?

9 Beginnings: Beliefs and Texts Genesis & Exodus ◦ Content: ◦ What does the creation & emergence story tell you?

10 Knowledge & Authority Sources of knowledge: –How do we know what we know? Authority Figures: –Whom do we trust, obey, respect? Why?

11 Both appearance and content tell us something about Authority figures Reading practices Gender roles Attitudes toward Nature or Natural World Clans/Nations/Cultures Laws

12 Key Dates: Printing Press, Gutenberg, 1439 The Bible, 1456 Columbus, 1492 Luther’s Theses and Excommunication, 1517 and 1520 Geneva Bible, 1560

13 Direct Reading and Protestantism ◦ the Bible in the hands of the people ◦ priesthood of all believers ◦ primary and secondary texts The Age of Exploration ◦ literal placement of Garden of Eden ◦ reading the Bible as factual history rather than myth

14 Myth? Widely held belief that provides meaning and understanding for a culture No use of “true” or “not true” in definition Example: The “Literacy Myth”

15 Literacy Myth Literacy contributes to success & progress of individual & culture True or not true? Our culture upholds it

16 “The Literacy Myth” Literacy contributes to success & progress of individual & culture C hallenges: –What is literacy? Functional literacy vs. critical literacy –What is success? Financial, spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual –What is progress? Buildings, bridges, roads, computers

17 The Literacy Myth & the culture of the Geneva Bible How has our understanding of the production & function of this text changed? What does it say of functional & critical literacy? Authority figures? Ways of reading? Sources of knowledge?

18 Next time: Responses: groups 2 & 3 Zuni creation account –Compare Zuni account to Geneva account –Use intro to help –How do appearance & content make you feel & why?

19 Next time: Columbus’s journals –Who are his authority figures? –What are his sources of knowledge? –How does his writing reflect the Geneva Bible? –Would you want to be at a party with him? Why?

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