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Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004 HOMMER: Holistic Model for Minority Education & Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004 HOMMER: Holistic Model for Minority Education & Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004 HOMMER: Holistic Model for Minority Education & Research

2 Outline Goal and objectives History Model Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

3 Project Goal Increase the number of underrepresented minority students pursuing advanced degrees in computer science Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

4 Holistic Model Holistic medicine says health comes from paying attention to the whole person. Holistic model should consider the entire nurturing environment of the student. –Computing resources –Curriculum –Faculty interaction –Student motivation –Choice of research experience Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

5 Recruitment Activities Faculty Research Mentoring Activities Retention Activities Improved Instruction Student Research Activities Students Potential Graduate Students Pipeline Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

6 Project Objectives Engage undergraduates in research activities Strengthen research capabilities Strengthen instructional capabilities Strengthen and align the Computer Information Systems curriculum Increase graduate enrollment Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

7 Holistic Framework RPE CFE IPE SSA Student Success Assurance Instructional Program Enhancement Research Productivity Enhancement Computing Facilities Enhancement Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

8 Prior MII Successes Before 1993 3 of 10 Faculty w/ Ph.D. < 10 publications recorded (< 5 within previous five years) no research projects Now 9 of 12 Faculty w/ Ph.D. 83 publications since 1993 Research projects for faculty and students Collaboration with major universities RESEARCH Productivity Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

9 Previous MII Successes Before 1993 no research related courses weak CIS admission policy weak CS option no graduate program Now research-related courses offered every semester Calculus requirement ABET accredited CS option Masters program in Software Engineering Science INSTRUCTIONAL Enhancements Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

10 Previous MII Successes Before 1993 no Unix for general use low computer-per-student ratio inability to have hands-on laboratory classes limitation on ability to have programming assignments one laboratory Now 80+ Unix network higher computer-per-student ratio laboratory classes few courses classes without programming assignments four laboratories COMPUTING Enhancements Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

11 Previous MII Successes Before 1993 40 CIS (Science) majors 400+ CIS total majors 2 or 3 grads per year entered grad school Now 140 CIS (Science) majors 500+ CIS total majors with higher math entry qualifications 90+ grads entered graduate school since 1993 STUDENT Successes Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

12 Model Components SSA CFE IPE Research Productivity Enhancement Instructional Program Enhancement Student Success Assurance Computing Facilities Enhancement RPE Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

13 Student Success Assurance SSA Recruitment Retention Recognition Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

14 Student Success Assurance Recruitment Advisement (preparation for research) Class Demonstrations/Presentations Professional Development Courses Research opportunities Graduate education Initial research experience Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

15 Student Success Assurance Retention Student Scholar Tutoring Student Peer Collaboration Peer-to-Peer Mentoring (CISMO) Faculty Mentoring Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

16 Interfaces with FAMU Infrastructure Florida/Georgia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation in the Sciences (FGLSAMP) Florida A&M University Undergraduate Program (FAMU-UP) McNair Program Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004 Student Success Assurance Retention

17 Student Success Assurance Recognition CIS Recognition Events Professional Development Research Colloquium Web Pages HOMMER Day Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

18 Student Success Assurance Improvements Research Colloquium HOMMER Day Presentation Opportunities CISMO Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

19 RPE Time Environment Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004 Research Productivity Enhancement

20 Academic Year (University Supported release time) Research with students Time for individual research Time for collaboration Summer (NSF Funded) Uninterrupted research Planning for student research activities Fostering of collaborations Research Time Research Productivity Enhancement Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

21 Research Environment Equipment Advanced Hardware Dedicated access to computing facilities by faculty and student researchers Software Research tools Commercial tools Student Researchers Research Productivity Enhancement Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

22 More concentrated student research Two rather than three students Improvement Research Productivity Enhancement Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

23 IPE Curriculum Program Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004 Instructional Program Enhancement

24 Offering of elective courses Broader view of research opportunities Current CIS research topics exposed More choices Instructional Program Enhancement Curriculum Improvement Program Improvements CS Program Accreditation Level mathematical requirement Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

25 Updating the CIS Systems Curriculum: Replace COP2120 COBOL Programming as a core course with Introduction to software engineering Replace CIS3040 Information Systems in Organizations, with software project management Add Electronic business strategy: Architecture and Design & Information Systems Theory and Practice as electives Updating the CISystems and CIScience Curriculum: Remove COP1215L fundamentals of Programming lab and introduce structured labs as recitations for the following courses COP1215 – Fundamentals of programming COP2532 – Data structures COP3610 – operating systems CDA4503 – data communications Instructional Program Enhancement Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004 Curriculum Improvement

26 Course Preparations Reduced Reduced teaching load Research Areas Exposure Increased Expansive view of research opportunities Improvements Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004 Instructional Program Enhancement

27 CFE Research Access Computing Facilities Enhancement Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

28 Computing Facilities Enhancement Enhanced SEREL SEREL Enhanced Laboratories CISResearch Distributed Computing Laboratories SEREL Component Current Computing Facilities Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

29 Computing Facilities Enhancement Security Lab New area of research Set the pattern for replication Improvement Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

30 Management Structure (Tab A) Project Director Dr. Evans 9 months 0.2FTE 3 months 0.5 FTE Dr. Chandra Co-PI 9 months 0.2FTE 3 months 0.42 FTE Dean of College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Rivers Co-Principal Investigators Dr. Jones Dr. Allen Dr. Humphries Dr. Prasad Ms. Chatmon 9 months 0.1FTE 3 months 0.3 FTE Student Research Assistants Student Tutors Advisory Board Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

31 Project Summary NSF MII + FAMU => Culture Change –Teaching Load Conducive to Research –Program Enhancement & Accreditation –Graduate Student Pipeline –Enhanced Student Experience –Research Projects Self Sustained Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004

32 Department of Computer and Information SciencesMay 5th, 2004 HOMMER: Holistic Model for Minority Education & Research

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