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Theories & Models for Public Intervention HSC 489.

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Presentation on theme: "Theories & Models for Public Intervention HSC 489."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theories & Models for Public Intervention HSC 489

2 Why theory? Why models? Provides a foundation Saves time & effort Furthers the profession Strengthens future efforts

3 Remember this? : Theory versus Model A theory is…  Summary of formal or informal observations presented in a systematic way  Helps to explain, predict, describe, or manage behavior  developed over time A model is…  based on a theory  A how to  A framework (guidelines) for intervention

4 The Parts of A Theory Concepts – the primary elements of the theory Constructs – a concept developed or adopted for use in a particular theory Variables – operational forms of constructs (determine how a construct will be measured)

5 Some Useful Theories/Models Stimulus Response Theory Social Cognitive Theory Theory of Reasoned Action Theory of Planned Behavior Health Belief Model Transtheoretical Model (SofC)

6 Stimulus Response Theory  Based on (classical & instrumental) Conditioning  Learning results from events (reinforcements)  Consequences of behavior  Reinforcement (Negative and Positive) or Punishment (Negative and Positive)

7 Social Cognitive Theory: Efficacy + Outcome Expectations Efficacy Expectations:  Self-efficacy  Believe you can!  It’s not self-esteem  It’s task-specific  Developed through shaping Outcome Expectations:  Believe it will make a difference!  Reciprocal determinism: person, behavior, environment  Locus of control: internal vs. external

8 Individuals become more self- efficacious in 4 ways: Thru performance accomplishments Thru vicarious experience A result of verbal persuasion Thru emotional arousal arousal

9 Three More Theories/Models: In A Nutshell... Theory of Planned Behavior attitude toward beh. subjective norm Intention perceived behavioral control = behavior Theory of Reasoned Action Short Version of TPB Health Belief Model Perceived threat = perceived susceptibility + perceived severity Perceived barriers

10 Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change Theory Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Decisional Balance Self-Efficacy Processes of Change

11 What was that?! Stimulus Response T. Social Cognitive T. T. of Reasoned Action T. of Planned Behavior Health Belief M. Transtheoretical M.

12  Use micro & macro  Avoid scare tactics  Avoid mandates  Foster ownership  Build incentives, attach to rewards  Shape behaviors  Use social support Intervention Ideas

13 Resources Theory at a Glance: A Guide for Health Promotion Practice (NIH pub) at-a-glance

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