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Preparing for Ofsted. Raising standards, improving lives Behaviour and safety This judgement takes account of a range of evidence on behaviour and inspectors.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Ofsted. Raising standards, improving lives Behaviour and safety This judgement takes account of a range of evidence on behaviour and inspectors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Ofsted

2 Raising standards, improving lives Behaviour and safety This judgement takes account of a range of evidence on behaviour and inspectors have more time to look at these issues in more depth: –behaviour in the classroom and attitudes to learning –behaviour around school –attendance and punctuality –a focus on freedom from bullying.

3 Raising standards, improving lives The risk assessment process will take into account: current attainment, progress and attendance changes in attainment, progress and attendance previous inspection judgements and findings from any recent survey visits any significant issues relating to safeguarding and parental complaints the views of parents and carers gathered between inspections.

4 New Ofsted framework An element of behaviour and safety Considers attendance and punctuality Considers the impact of the school’s strategies to improve attendance, including the use of rewards and sanctions, work with parents and carers, and the following up of absence Considers the number of pupils taken off roll in the last year as a result of factors related to behaviour, safety and attendance

5 New framework overall and persistent absence and attendance rates for different groups, using data in RAISE online and the school’s own data inspectors should note that attendance figures alone should not determine the judgement on behaviour punctuality over time in arriving at school and at lessons- how do we record punctuality to lessons? the behaviour and attendance of pupils who are being educated wholly or partly off site- not consistent with the change to the D code, how and who records this? case studies to evaluate the experience of particular individuals and groups, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, looked after children and those with mental health needs. Examples of interventions that have worked well, link to your vulnerable groups profile

6 Gradings Outstanding: It is likely that attendance will be above average for all groups of pupils or will show sustained and convincing improvement over time. For special schools and pupil referral units, attendance is likely to be at least 90%. This applies in all settings apart from those where the vast majority of pupils have a diagnosed medical condition that prevents them from accessing full-time education.

7 Gradings Good: Where pupils are able to influence their own attendance, it is likely that attendance will be above average for all sizeable groups of pupils, or showing sustained and convincing improvement over time.

8 Gradings Satisfactory: Attendance will usually be at least average but if it is below average, for all pupils or particular groups, it will be improving over time. Inadequate: Attendance is consistently low for all pupils or groups of pupils and shows little or no sign of improvement.

9 Expectation that attendance of all schools is in line with national averages as found in RAISE ONLINE- HT 1- 4 data Vulnerable groups data is essential 3 year trends

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