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L. B. Pervukhin and O. L. Pervukhina
Defects which are caused with instability of a detonation of a charge
CHANGE OF EXPLOSIVE DENSITY CHANGE OF THE DETONATION VELOCITY OR ATTENUATION Curvature of the detonation front Mode of self-extending explosive process with the lowered power allocation Sharp local change of welding parameters (pressure, impact velocity, collision angle) Local closed fault of shock-compressed gas area local tear-out of clad material worm-holes, faulty fusion clad metal
Defects of continuity Sinuosities, cracks worm-holes , faulty fusions
Requirements to explosive for explosion welding
Detonation velocity explosive of in flat charges from 20 to 120 mm should be in the thickness no more than 3000 km/s. Explosive at charge packing should not will be condensed and compressed. Detonation stability of a flat charge remains on the big areas to 20 sq.m. Low cost explosive and possibility of its preparation in day of use from components not being an explosive material.
Research of detonation process of the large-sized flat charges having a thickness close to critical for given explosive TNT +ammonium nitrate (1:1) ammonium nitrate +diesel oil (3%). Thickness layer of inert material (sand)changed from dкр/2 to dкр Material , Thickness, mm Explosive Thickness, mm Durability of joint, MPa Continuity of layers joint % Sand Ст.3 + Ст.3 2,5 +20 TNT +ammonium nitrate 1:1 30 218 100 15 310 8 22 125 90 10+08Х18Н10Т ammonium nitrate +diesel oil (3%) 80 410 50 430 350
Estimation of size of losses at a detonation of charges
TNT +ammonium nitrate (1:1) ammonium nitrate +diesel oil (3%). Thickness layer of inert material (sand)changed from dкр/2 to dкр The closed cover of the explosive chamber allows to estimate change of energy which is allocated at a charge detonation on its deformation. Camera deformation measured in several points
Acoustic influence on environment
TNT +ammonium nitrate (1:1) ammonium nitrate +diesel oil (3%). Thickness layer of inert material (sand)changed from dкр/2 to dкр Measurement of a sound level by the device spent directly on range at performance of regular works on explosion welding of preparations in the size 4200х1200х120 mm (400 kg of a mix). Sound level on distance of m at explosion of explosive charges with inert material is less in 4 times, than without it.
Research technique of mixes of ammonium nitrate +diesel oil
Definition of influence of type of ammonium nitrate and percentage of diesel oil on quality of their mix; Establishment of dependence of detonation velocity from quantity of diesel oil, a thickness of explosive and presence of an inert material (sand); Experimental check of a mode of explosion welding on large-sized charges Definition continuity of layers joint , structures and joint durabilities.
Microporous ammonium-nitrate + diesel oil from 2 to 16%
Ground ammonium-nitrate + diesel oil from 2 to 16% Granulated ammonium-nitrate + diesel oil from 2 to 16%
Ammonium-nitrate structure
Microporous ammonium-nitrate granules Granulated ammonium-nitrate granules Wetting of the granulated ammonium-nitrate by diesel oil is carried out by filling of roughnesses on a granule surface owing to what ability of their wetting is insignificant. Process of mixing is at a loss and there is a stratification in the course of storage. Ammonium-nitrate crushing before mixing with diesel oil considerably raises its wettability, however such mixes are condensed and compressed; Presence of a microporous in structure of ammonium-nitrate considerably increases the surface area of a granules of that allows to impregnate. It allows to impregnate and keep well diesel fuel for a long time.
Influence of the contents of diesel oil on detonation rate of mix NH4NO3+ diesel oil
Influence of thickness of charge and sand for velocity of detonation of mix NH4NO3+diesel oil Contents of diesel oil Thickness of charge Without sand Under a sand layer Detonation rate Detonation rate Under a sand layer the mix with the maintenance of diesel oil of 4 % steadily detonates in thickness of 20 mm with a velocity of 1480 km/s in charges in length of 6 m.
Conclusions For stabilisation of detonation process of large-sized flat charges it is necessary to place a layer of an inert material on their surface. It reduces probability of occurrence defects. Use as explosive at explosion welding of a mix of the granulated microporous ammonium-nitrate + diesel oil allows to reduce to a minimum application industrial explosive, to mechanise process of mix preparation, to provide high quality of welding for the account of stability of structure and charge density on all its surface. Speeds of a detonation of these mixes in the studied range of thickness of a charge are close to optimum from the point of view of joint formation at explosion welding.
Explosive layer thickness, mm
Bulk density, kg/m3 Explosive layer thickness, mm Detonation rate, m/s Microporous ammonium-nitrate + diesel(2-8%) 740 60 Microporous ammonium-nitrate + diesel(4%) 40-80 Microporous ammonium-nitrate + diesel ( 4%) +sand 20-80 Granulated ammonium-nitrate + diesel oil(2-6%) 900 80-100 Ground ammonium-nitrate + diesel oil( 2-6%) 20-50
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