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Published byTeresa O’Neal’ Modified over 9 years ago
On 6 th & 7 th March, 2013 at New Delhi National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign – 2013
WEST BENGAL : AN OVERVIEW PART-I WEST BENGAL : AN OVERVIEW PART-I Geographical Area88752 sq. Km. Nos. of Agricultural Districts18 Nos. of Agricultural Blocks335 Nos. of Gram Panchayets3354 Nos. of Mouza / Village40782 Population (2011 Census)9,13,47,736 Population Density(2011 Census)1029 / Sq. Km. Agro-Climatic Zones6 Nos. Gross Cropped Area(2010-11)8832348 ha Gross Cropped Area(2011-12)9352952 ha Cultivable Area (2011-12)5700848 ha Irrigated Area62% of Net Cropped Area Total Nos. of Agricultural holdings 6953922 Nos Size of average Land Holding0.82 ha / Holding
WEST BENGAL : AN OVERVIEW PART-II Cropping Intensity(2010-11)176.96 Cropping Intensity(2011-12)179.93 Total Rice Production (2010-11)133.89 Lakh MT Total Food Grains Production (2010-11)148.11 Lakh MT Total Rice Production (2011-12)146.05 Lakh MT Total Food Grains Production (2011-12)159.97 Lakh MT Total Rice Production (2012-13)-Estmtd.153.72 Lakh MT Total Food Grains Production (2012-13)-Estmtd.163.38 Lakh MT Total Food Grains Production (2013-14)-Target179.47 lakh MT Kharif Rice Productivity (2012-13)-Estmtd.2600 kg/ha Summer Rice Productivity (2012-13)-Estmtd.3143 kg/ha Target of Kharif Rice Productivity (2013-14)2684 kg/ha
West Bengal : Placing Issues in Perspective West Bengal : Placing Issues in Perspective Has 8% of India’s population with 2.7% of the total area, Population Density (1029 per Sq. Km) puts tremendous pressure on land, Agriculture contributes nearly Rs 41,000 crore (21%) to the SDP per annum, Marginal and small farmers constitute 95% of the 5.7 mn farmers, (2001 census) [Including Bargadars] Farm workers exceed marginal and small holders (7.3 mn),
Estimated Requirement of Crops in West Bengal During 12 th Plan Period – Part-A Estimated Requirement of Crops in West Bengal During 12 th Plan Period – Part-A Year Population (Lakh) RiceCerealsPulses Food Grains 2013-14915.94144.89166.9512.87179.82 2014-15923.89146.15168.4112.98181.39 2015-16931.98147.43169.8813.10182.98 2016-17940.35148.75171.7013.21184.61 NB : Requirement includes 10% for seeds & wastage for all crops except Potato and for Potato it is 22 %. In Lakh MT
Estimated Requirement of Crops in West Bengal During 12 th Plan Period - Part-B Estimated Requirement of Crops in West Bengal During 12 th Plan Period - Part-B Year Population (Lakh) Oil Seeds Potato 2013-14915.9416.5550.98 2014-15923.8916.6951.43 2015-16931.9816.8451.88 2016-17940.3516.9952.34 NB : Requirement includes 10% for seeds & wastage for all crops except Potato and for Potato it is 22 %. In Lakh MT
West Bengal Agriculture : Significant milestones First position in Rice production, First position in Vegetables Production, Second position in Potato Production, Third in Flowers and seventh in Fruits Production, Cropping intensity of 179.83% (2011-12)
Rainfall Analysis (m.m.) for year 2010-11 to 2012-13 YearRegionNormal (mm) Actual (mm) Departure (%) 2010-11Sub-Himalayan West Bengal 19672094+7 Gangetic West Bengal 1143763-33 2011-12Sub-Himalayan West Bengal 19671885-4 Gangetic West Bengal 1143130514 2012-13Sub-Himalayan West Bengal 19671862-5 Gangetic West Bengal 1143890-22 Period from June to September
Rainfall Analysis (m.m.)for year 2010-11 to 2012-13 YearRegionNormal (mm) Actual (mm) Departure (%) 2010-11Sub-Himalayan West Bengal 174126-28 Gangetic West Bengal 168134-20 2011-12Sub-Himalayan West Bengal 17447-73 Gangetic West Bengal 16877-54 2012-13 (Oct to Jan) Sub-Himalayan West Bengal 159123-23 Gangetic West Bengal 142139-2 Period from October to February
Crops 2011-12 2012-13 ( As per 2 nd estimate) APYAPY Kharif Rice4212.610730.6625474220109722600 Kharif Maize34.0577.272269401002500 Kharif Pulses54.07537.7569849.1034.37700 Kharif Food Grains4302.710845.3825214309.111107.372573 Kharif Oil Seeds3.502.487094.203.50833 Jute599.028558.6014.29570826514.5 Mesta5.4364.4211.8778011.43 Sugarcane16.071981.4410458718162590278 A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000mt, Y= Yield in Kg/ha (In case of Jute & Mesta Yield in bales/ha & Prodn. in ‘000 bales; 1 bale=180 kg) KHARIF ASSESSMENT – 2012-13
Crops Rabi-Summer 2011-12 Rabi-Summer 2012-13 (As per 2 nd estimate) APYAPY Summer Rice 1221.073875.1031741400.00 4400.00 3143 Wheat 315.65872.892765325.00 900.00 2769 Rabi-Sum. Maize 63.78286.85449765.00 320.00 4923 Rabi-Sum. Pulses 160.65160.701000166.85 167.75 1005 Food Grains 1755.765152.6029351959.81 5792.10 2955 Oilseeds 675.27708.031049692.58 770.36 1112 Potato 379.209723.0325641390.00 11000.00 28205 A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000 MT, Y= Yield in Kg/ha Rabi Assessment-2012-13
Crops 2013-14 APY Kharif Rice4260.0011433.842684 Kharif Maize40.00112.002800 Kharif Pulses70.0049.70710 Kharif Food Grains4370.0011595.542653.44 Kharif Oil Seeds5.204.36840 Jute590.009200.0015.59 Mesta78011.43 Sugarcane20.001840.092000 A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000mt, Y= Yield in Kg/ha (In case of Jute & Mesta Yield in bales/ha & Prodn. in ‘000 bales; 1 bale=180 kg) KHARIF TARGET – 2013-14
Contingent Seed Plan 2013-14 Sl. No. SeasonCropArea (ha) Quantity of Seed required 1 Post Kharif HYV Paddy 400000 2000 MT Kalai(Tur) 20000 400 MT Khesari 20000 1000 MT 2 Early Rabi & Rabi Rape & Mustard 40000 240 MT Lentil 10000 350 MT Hybrid Maize 10000 200 MT Wheat 40000 4000 MT Ground Nut 10000 1000 MT 3 Summer Moong 20000 400 MT Sesame 20000 120 MT 5,90,000 ha Remarks : Variety wise requirement of seeds will be procured for distribution from Farm grown seeds, WBSSC Ltd., NSC, SFCI, UK TDC, etc.
Contingent Plan-2013-14 Contingent seed beds of Paddy will be prepared in Government farms. Farmers will be advised to raise community seed beds near source of irrigation water in phases. Under post kharif season, crops like Black Gram, Paddy will be grown. Transplanting under west Bengal can continue even up to 15 th August with varieties up to 115-120 days duration. Farmers will be advised to grow paddy following double – transplanting method. Promotion of Khesari, Toria, like crop will also increase area & production of Pulse & Oilseed crops even under rainfed condition. Rabi crops like Wheat, Mustard, Lentil, Maize, Groundnut & Summer crops like Sesame and Moong are the best suited crops under West Bengal situation.
Progress on Kissan Credit Card and Credit Flow YearItemTargetAchievement 2011-12KCC (Nos.)1000000724779 Total Credit Flow (Ag. & allied) (Rs. In crore) 2030014387 2012-13KCC (Nos.)1000000500400 (upto Dec’12) Total Credit Flow (Ag. & allied) (Rs. In crore) 2300010300 (upto Dec’12)
Impact of NFSM in West Bengal at a glance Cleaned Rice Productivity during 2011-12 (2485 kg/ha) in NFSM districts has been increased by 11% over 2006-07 (2235 kg/ha). The production of cleaned rice in the NFSM districts registered 33% growth over the base year(2006-07). Wheat Productivity during 2011-12 (2521 kg/ha) in NFSM districts has been increased by 11% over 2006-07 (2278 kg/ha). Production of wheat in the NFSM districts registered 17% growth over the base year. An all along increasing trend in Pulse productivity has been observed in NFSM-Pulse districts. Pulse productivity has reached 29% higher during 2011-12 (924 kg/ha) over 2006-07 (717 kg/ha). After inclusion of all districts under NFSM-Pulse from 2010-11, the state average productivity of pulses has also been increased from 785 kg/ha during 2009-10 to 890 kg/ha during 2011-12 registering a 13% growth.
Sl. No. Name of the SchemeComponentFund Sanctioned (Rs. in Crore) Achievement Physical (Nos.) Financial (Rs. in Crore) 1.Financial Support Scheme for Farm Mechanization(FSSM) 1) Tractor upto 40 HP101.73 332 64.958 - 2)Power Tiller above 8 HP4542 3)Pumpset-(Diesel/Electric)41850 4) Power Reaper293 5) Zero Till Seed Drill2 2.One Time Assistance for Electrification of Agricultural Pumpsets (OTA-EAP) Electrification of Agricultural Pumpsets 24.90 for 31125 no. units 3430 2.744 3.One Time Assistance to Small and Marginal farmers for purchase of Small Farm Implements. 1) Kanpsack sprayers, 2) Manually operated Paddy Thresher 3) Cono-weeder 4) Drum Seeder, 5) PVC delivery pipe for carrying irrigation water. (6) Spade (l set of 4 spades of different sizes) 15.00On progress - Achievement of Farm Mechanization’2012-13
Proposed Plan of Farm Mechanization for 2013-14 Sl. No. Scheme/ComponentProposed Financial Target 2013-14 (Rs. in Lakh) 1Establishment of Farm Machinery Bank for Custom Hiring. 6676.00 2Promotion & Strengthening of Agricultural Mechanization through Training, Testing and Demonstration. a) Demonstration Component693.60 b) Outsourcing of Training106.25 3Subsidy for selected Agril. Machinery and Equipment7870.00 4Input Subsidy to small & marginal farmers for adopting suitable Farm Mechanization 3000.00 5Enhancing farm productivity at village level by introducing appropriate Farm Mechanization in selected villages 600.00 6Post Harvest Technology & Management69.65 TOTAL19015.50
SEEDS Requirement and Availability of C/Q Seed for Kharif 2012-2013 & Target 2013-2014 Crop Year 2012-13Target 2013-14 Requirement Production / Availability Deficit / Surplus RequirementProduction Deficit / Surplus Paddy415006429916(+) 14910451500756201(+) 304710 Hybrid Paddy3000 Nil4000200 Available in the trade channel Maize3729 Nil65003730(-) 2770 Pulses46604673(+) 13524522749(+) 17504 In Qtls.
SEED REPLACEMENT RATE DURING - 2011-12 & 2012-13 TARGET DURING 2013-14 Sl. No.CROP2011-2012 ( %)2012-2013 ( %)2013-14 (Target) (%) 1Paddy33.6734.0235.0 2Wheat43.3745.6847.0 3Maize29.0430.031.0 4Gram26.9127.9233.0 5Kalai (Urd)35.6136.4737.0 6Moong33.6734.3935.0 7Khesari21.1522.050.22 8Lentil29.6329.8033.0 9Pigeon Pea45.046.050.0 10Ground Nut40.3841.0044.47 11Mustard41.4943.4450.0 12Sesame34.9236.9137.50 13Jute78.9882.8180.13 14Potato26.7927.1733.04
SEED TESTING – 2012-13 & TARGET FOR Kharif 2013 SL No Crop Sample Analized (Kharif 2012) Progress of Sample Analized (Rabi’2012) Target for Kharif 2013 111661 no6934 no5000 no
PROGRESS OF SOIL TESTING DUNRING 2012-2013 ( Actual) STL No. of Laboratories Capacity No. of Samples Analyzed Capacity Utilized (%) StaticMobileTotal State Govt.108181040004452442.81% Other than State Govt. 5Nil5300002000066.66% Total158231340006452448.15% No. of Dist. having STL No. of Dist. not having STL No. of Dist. having AAS 1088 No. of Soil Health Card made available to farmers: 44524
Year & SeasonFertilizers Assessed Requirement ConsumptionRemarks Kharif 2012-13Urea5,00,0005,18,928 DAP2,50,0001,40,894 MOP1,50,00079,227 NPK4,00,0003,12,748 SSP2,00,0001,36,768 Rabi 2012-13 (upto 25 th Feb’13) Urea8,50,0005,37,867 DAP2,75,0001,97,305 MOP2,75,0001,06,576 NPK5,25,0003,64,973 SSP3,08,0001,50,456 Kharif 2013-14Urea5,60,000 - DAP3,00,000 MOP1,50,000 NPK4,00,000 SSP2,00,000 Report on Fertilizers as on 26.02.2013: (Qty. in MT)
Year & SeasonFertilizers Assessed Requirement ConsumptionRatio Kharif 2012-13 N3449643203853.4 P2610041707101.8 K183223942201 Rabi 2012-13 (upto 25 th Feb’13) N6113253413302.7 P3943182060761.6 K3182871259911 Kharif 2013-14 (Estimated) N420936-- P310013-- K228017-- - Report on Fertilizers as on 26.02.2013: (Qty. in MT)
Year Gross Cropped Area (in Ha) Consumption of Fertilizer NPK(in MT) NPK-Kg/Ha 2010-11 88221341571818178.16 2011-12 93529521617698168.93 2012-13 (Estimated ) 98015201909245194.79 Per Ha consumption: Qty: in MT State Submission: Consumption of P&K fertilizers is low due to excessive hike of fertilizer prices. For smooth availability of fertilizers to all the districts of the State new rake points may be established at (i) Lakshmikantapur of South 24-Parganas district, (ii) Balurghat of Dakshin Dinajpur district & (iii) Panskura of Purba Medinipur district. Two point rake or ½ rake may be allowed for optimum use of fertilizers.
BEST PRACTICES ADOPTED BY THE STATE Best Practices Adapted 1.Production of Certified Seed through Seed Village Programme 2. Zero Tillage Machine (Rice & Wheat Crop) 3. SRI (System of Rice Intensification) 5. Seed Treatment Campaign for Crop Protection 6. Awareness & Sensitization through Electronic Media 7. Popularization of Farm School concept 8. Organization of Kissan Mela 9. Awareness & promotional campaign on KCC 10. Establishment of Krishak Bazar 11. Thrust on expansion of area & increase in production of Pulses, Oil Seeds, Maize etc. 12. Emphasis on balanced use of organic & inorganic fertilizers 13. Massive Campaign on Soil test based advisory services
West Bengal, in the perspective of 12 th Plan period Present StatusStatus by the end of XII Plan Population9.13 crore9.40 crore Requirement of Food- grains 178 lakh MT184.61 lakh MT Production of Food-grains 160 lakh MT189.44 lakh MT Cropping intensity 180%191% Farming Family = 71 lakh Cultivable Land = 57 lakh ha
Crop 2007-082008-092009-20102010-20112011-2012 Req.Prod.Req.Prod.Req.Prod.Req.Prod.Req.Prod. Rice 137.09147.19138.43150.37139.74143.40141.04114.21142.35146.05 Wheat18.919.1718.907.6419.088.4619.259.0119.438.72 Pulses10.941.5811.021.2911.731.5011.231.5411.331.98 Food- grains 170.14160.60171.80162.96173.43157.41175.05128.97176.67160.46 Potato 43.4999.0043.9241.2144.33138.3844.7590.0046.1697.23 Oilseeds 15.667.0515.815.8215.967.2616.117.5516.267.10 Production of some major crops of West Bengal during XI Plan Period Cropping Intensity during 2011-12- 180% (In lakh MT)
Crop2012-132013-142014-152015-162016-17GR RiceA57905780576557505740-0.22 Y274627992850289529401.78 P15899161761642816648168781.56 WheatA3503603703803902.7 Y274027802820286029001.44 P95910011043108711314.17 PulsesA2702853003103204.1 Y8008258759009505.3 P2162352632793049.58 Food grains A655265756593660566250.29 Y268227302776281828591.7 P17572179471830118611189442 Target of Area, Yield Rate and Production of different crops during 2012-13 to 2016-17 of West Bengal XII th Plan A: Area in ‘000 ha., Y: Yield Rate in Kg/ha and P: Production in ‘000 tonnes
Crop2012-132013-142014-152015-162016-17GR Total Oilseeds A7777928108238442.07 Y98610291058109711423.44 P7668158579039645.60 Jute*A590 595600 0.65 Y15.4215.5915.6315.6715.830.43 P910092009300940095001.09 PotatoA395400 410 1.04 Y23291237502400024146243901.14 P9200950096009900100002.18 Cropping Intensity 185186188190191 Target of Area, Yield Rate and Production of different crops during 2012-13 to 2016-17 of West Bengal XII th Plan * Yield Rate in bales/ha and production in bales, 1 bale = 180 Kg. A: Area in ‘000 ha., Y: Yield Rate in Kg/ha and P: Production in ‘000 tonnes
Strategies & Initiatives for XII th Plan Agriculture growth beyond 4%. Food grain production growth fixed at 2%. Construction of Krishak bazaar(Mandi) at all blocks in a phased manner with scientific facilities and advisory system Promotion of production of non-basmati aromatic rice. Self sufficiency and timely availability of quality seeds and other agricultural input. Topmost priority on expansion of area and production of pulses and maize. KCC for all eligible farmers. Special emphasis on farm mechanization. Capacity building of Women, SC/ST and minority farmers. Crop diversification, alternate crop, Integrated crop management prioritized.
Interventions & Activities during 2013-14 1.Demonstration & related training on production technology of major crops. 2.Strengthening/renovation of Govt. agricultural farms for quality seed production. 3.Production of vermi-compost and biofertilizers for efficient use of plant nutrients. 4.Seed multiplication for expansion of nonbasmati aromatic rice. 5.Establishment of new seed testing laboratories. 6.Establishment of seed processing unit along with seed villages in Bankura and Purulia. 7.Farm mechanization subsidy scheme with tractor, power- tiller, zero Till seed drill, Reapers and water lifting pumps. 8.One time assistance for purchase of small farm implements and electric connection to agril. water lifting pumps upto 5 hp. 9.Stress on popularization of organic farming in the state.
Good Practices & Success Stories One time assistance of Rs.8000/- for electric connection to agril water lifting pump upto 5hp benefiting 31125 farmers. One time assistance @Rs.5000/- benefiting 30000 farmers for purchasing small implements. More than 5 lakhs KCC upto December 2012. Excavation/re excavation of new/old water bodies for better utilization of permissible runoff water.
Specific Issues of the State Soil testing and universalisation of soil health card. Scheme for farm mechanization—one time assistance to farmers for increasing coverage under electric pumps within 5 hp. Opening of Agriculture colleges. Integrated mission on Agricultural mechanization through promotion of small implements.
Critical Gaps in State Plan Increasing cost of Production & integration of farmer owned natural resources to the agricultural production system to reduce the cost. Possible future nutrient imbalance in soil due to reduced utilization of high cost Phosphatic & Potassic fertilizer. Substitution of fossil fuel energy by renewable sources like Solar, wind and bio energy and its related research and development aspect. Insufficient integration of Agricultural production system and farmers aggregation resulting un-remunerative price from the market.
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